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  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    Age-Friendly and Aging in Place
    Location: Room 103
    Paper Session Chair: Youjung Lee, PhD – Binghamton University, State University of New York
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (SRPP) I
    Location: Room 117
    Paper Session Chair: Jabrina Simmons – Northeast Ohio Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    Economics of Long-Term Services and Supports: Production, Demand, and Costs
    Location: Room 413
    Chair: Christine E. Bishop, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brandeis University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Norma B. Coe, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennslyvania
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: R.Tamara Konetzka, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Chicago
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: John R. Bowblis, PhD – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Freya Diederich – University of Bremen
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Mónika López Anuarbe, PhD (she/her/hers) – Connecticut College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    Nursing Home Social Work: Conflicting Values and Ethical Practice With Residents, Families, and Staff
    Location: Room 305
    Chair: Mercedes Bern-Klug, PhD, MSW, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Iowa
    Discussant: Denise Gammonley, PhD, LCSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Central Florida
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Amy R. Roberts, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nancy Kusmaul, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Angela K. Perone, PhD, JD, MSW, MA (she/her/hers) – University of California, Berkeley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    Social Isolation and Loneliness I
    Location: Room 120
    Paper Session Chair: Hannelore Stegen (she/her/hers) – Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Society and Ageing Research Lab (SARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    The Adult Day Center: Untapped Territory for Aging Research
    Location: Room 303
    Chair: Tina Sadarangani, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, GNP-BC (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Discussant: Fei Sun, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – Michigan State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tina Sadarangani, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, GNP-BC (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: William A. Zagorski (he/him/his) – American Senior Care Centers, Inc.
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Keith A. Anderson, PhD, FGSA – University of Mississippi
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Yawen Li, PhD (she/her/hers) – California State University, San Bernardino
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jess Lendon, PhD – CDC National Center for Health Statistics
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - Home-Based Care and Patient Outcomes: Does the Delivery Team Matter?
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Norma B. Coe, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennslyvania
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - Integrating Adult Day Centers Into the Broader Health Care Continuum: There Might Just Be an App for That
    Location: Room 303
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tina Sadarangani, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, GNP-BC (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - We Can Work It Out: Nursing Home Social Work and Conflict Mediation
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Amy R. Roberts, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - Adult Day Services Data Collection and Outcomes: A National Strategy Realized
    Location: Room 303
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: William A. Zagorski (he/him/his) – American Senior Care Centers, Inc.
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - Effects of Essential Caregiver Policies on COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: R.Tamara Konetzka, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - Social Service Director Priorities in Resolving Conflicts in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nancy Kusmaul, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - Stakeholders’ Perspectives on an Area Agencies on Aging Serving Urban Older Adults
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Faith P. Hopp, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Adult Day Services: The Optimal Platform for Group Intervention Research
    Location: Room 303
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Keith A. Anderson, PhD, FGSA – University of Mississippi
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Nursing Home Workforce Challenges: Increased Nursing Staff Labor Costs and Use of Agency Staff From 2017 to 2021
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: John R. Bowblis, PhD – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Social Workers as Informal Legal Intermediaries: Resolving Conflicting Rights in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Angela K. Perone, PhD, JD, MSW, MA (she/her/hers) – University of California, Berkeley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Veteran Directed Care: A Mixed Methods Study to Inform Self Directed Care Program Expansion for Veterans Affairs (VA)
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Stuti Dang, MD, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Miami
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    4 - Could We Care Less? Fictional Representations of Time-Restricted In-Home-Caregiving in “Die Pflegionärin”
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Eva-Maria Trinkaus, Dr, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Graz
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    4 - Factors Associated With Electronic Health Record Adoption Among Adult Day Services in the US
    Location: Room 303
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Yawen Li, PhD (she/her/hers) – California State University, San Bernardino
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    4 - Interaction Between Nativity and Neighborhood on Dementia Risk: Findings from Ten Years of National US Data
    Location: Room 117
    First Author: Roger Wong, PhD, MPH, MSW (he/him/his) – SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    4 - The Effect of Germany's Long-Term Care Strengthening Act II on Nursing Home Use
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Freya Diederich – University of Bremen
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    5 - National Post–Acute and Long-Term Care Study: Variation in Operating Status of Adult Day Centers Due to COVID-19
    Location: Room 303
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jess Lendon, PhD – CDC National Center for Health Statistics
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    5 - The Health Care Costs of Dementia for Mexicans and Mexican Americans in México and the United States
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Mónika López Anuarbe, PhD (she/her/hers) – Connecticut College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - Development of an Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community: Application of the Social Capital Framework
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Youjung Lee, PhD – Binghamton University, State University of New York
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - Magnifying the Voice of a Community: Attitudes and Beliefs Among African Americans About Dementia
    Location: Room 117
    First Author: Jabrina Simmons – Northeast Ohio Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    1 - Material Deprivation and Loneliness Among Older Adults in Hong Kong
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Vivien Foong Yee Tang, MSc (she/her/hers) – The Education University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - Access to Preferred Postacute Care Pathways for Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
    Location: Room 117
    First Author: Taylor I. Bucy, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    2 - The Loneliness of Low-Income Older Adults in a Federal Volunteering Program: A Mixed-Method Network Perspective
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Katy (Qiuchang) Cao, PhD (she/her/hers) – Florida State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Gentrification, Aging, and Health: A Narrative Review
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Dionne Bailey, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    3 - Self-Identified Strengths Among Adults Aging Solo With Early Dementia
    Location: Room 117
    First Author: Jane Lowers, PhD, MPA – Emory School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    4 - Loneliness Among Involuntarily Childless Older Adults: A Life Course Perspective
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Hannelore Stegen (she/her/hers) – Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Society and Ageing Research Lab (SARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
    5 - Living ForeverWell in Rural America: Results From a Qualitative Evaluation of a YMCA Healthy Aging Program
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Rachel Kappel, MPH (she/her/hers) – NORC at the University of Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    Aging in the Right Place: Housing and Social Supports for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness
    Location: Room 121
    Chair: Anthony C. Traver, LCSW (he/him/his) – The Ohio State University
    Discussant: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anthony C. Traver, LCSW (he/him/his) – The Ohio State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Atiya Mahmood, PhD (she/her/hers) – Simon Fraser University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jill H. Hoselton, MSW, PhD Student (she/her/hers) – University of Calgary
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (SRPP) II
    Location: Room 112
    Paper Session Chair: Christina E. Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    Embracing the Queer Art of Failure in Gerontological Research and Education
    Location: Room 413
    Chair: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Co-Chair: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Discussant: Vanessa Fabbre, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anna Siverskog, PhD (she/her/hers) – Södertörn University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lauren Michele Bouchard, MS, PhD (they/them/theirs) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    ESPO and Social Research, Policy, and Practice Section Symposium: Law as a Determinant of Health: A Social Justice Lens to Impactful Policy Engagement
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Co-Chair: Kexin Yu, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Discussant: Rita B. Choula, MA (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    Family Caregiving (SRPP Papers)
    Location: Room 114
    Paper Session Chair: Katherine Miller, PhD, MSPH (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - A Life Course Approach to Identifying Eviction Laws Affecting Older Adults and Historically Marginalized Groups
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Contextualizing Attitudes Toward Medical Aid in Dying in a National Sample of Hospice Clinicians
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Todd D. Becker, PhD, LMSW (he/him/his) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Living With Dementia: Experiences of LGBTQ People With Dementia and Significant Others
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anna Siverskog, PhD (she/her/hers) – Södertörn University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Precarious Housing Before, During, and After an Episode of Late-Life Homelessness
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anthony C. Traver, LCSW (he/him/his) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Beyond Redlining: Law, Property Values, Racial Inequities, and LTSS
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Meanings of Aging in the Right Place for Housing Insecure Older Adults in Temporary Housing
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Atiya Mahmood, PhD (she/her/hers) – Simon Fraser University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Participants' Perspectives on Receiving Results Using Found Poetry: A Mixed-Methods Study
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Bybee, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - Aging in the Right Place: Temporary Supportive Housing for Older Male Veterans in Calgary, Canada
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jill H. Hoselton, MSW, PhD Student (she/her/hers) – University of Calgary
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - Meaningful Lives for All As We Age: Policy and Advocacy Perspectives From the GSA Policy Team
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - Overcoming Tensions in Culturally Responsive Research With LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - What Matters Most? Reactions to the RAISE Advisory Council’s National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 114
    First Author: Pamela Nadash, PhD, BPhil (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - From Failure to Opportunity in Queering Gerontological Curriculum
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lauren Michele Bouchard, MS, PhD (they/them/theirs) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - Socializing Care for Older People Across the Countries: A Comparative Study of the Location of Care
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Aeji Jang, MSW, PhD Student (she/her/hers) – Chung-ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    5 - The Value of Technology in LGBT Older Adults’ Social Networks: Lessons Learned from COVID-19
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Kelseanne P. Breder, PhD, PMHNP- BC, GERO-BC, RN (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Development of a Community-Engaged Dementia Education Program for the Vietnamese American Community
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Christina E. Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Welfare Regime Type and its Influence on the Financial Security of Female Caregivers in Later Life
    Location: Room 114
    First Author: Mengya Wang, MA (she/her/hers) – Iowa State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Case Scenarios of Canadian Medic-Alert Subscribers With Dementia Who Go Missing
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Christine H. Daum, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Waterloo
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Trends in Supports for Family Caregivers of Older Adults Through Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services in the US
    Location: Room 114
    First Author: Katherine Miller, PhD, MSPH (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - Multiple Chronic Conditions and Disability in Vietnamese Older Adults in the United States
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Christina E. Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - Functional Limitations and Absence of Care Among Older Adults Living with Dementia in China, England, the European Union, and the United States
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Zhuoer Lin, MPhil (he/him/his) – Yale University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - Navigating Aging While Caregiving: Longevity Planning Considerations for Caregivers of Adult Children
    Location: Room 114
    First Author: Lauren Cerino, BA (she/her/hers) – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    12:30 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    5 - Access to Neighborhood Amenities and Risk of Institutionalization Among Persons With Dementia
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Yeon Jin Choi, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Kentucky
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    ADRD Family Caregiving
    Location: Room 121
    Paper Session Chair: Kishore Seetharaman, MS (he/him/his) – Simon Fraser University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    Advancing Food Equity Among Older Adults and Adults With Disabilities in the US
    Location: Room 123
    Chair: Laura J. Samuel, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
    Co-Chair: Boeun Kim, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Laura J. Samuel, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Boeun Kim, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Louay Almidani, MD, MSc – Wilmer Eye Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (SRPP) III
    Location: Room 107
    Paper Session Chair: Joshua J. Armstrong, PhD (he/him/his) – Alzheimer Society of Canada
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    Benefits and Barriers of Community-Engaged Research and Strategies for Strengthening Partnership Practice
    Location: Room 103
    Chair: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Co-Chair: Rodlescia Sneed, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Discussant: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rodlescia Sneed, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jordan P. Lewis, PhD, MSW, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    How Can Dying, Death, Loss and Bereavement Be Incorporated in the Policy and Practice of Aging in Place?
    Location: Room 415
    Chair: Sarah Dury (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Discussant: An-Sofie Smetcoren, PhD (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dury (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: An-Sofie Smetcoren, PhD (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patty Doran, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Manchester
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hannelore Stegen (she/her/hers) – Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Society and Ageing Research Lab (SARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    Maximizing Collective Impact Across the Age-Friendly Ecosystem
    Location: Room 120
    Chair: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Co-Chair: Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas Medical Center
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas Medical Center
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joann M. Montepare, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – Lasell University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karon Phillips, PhD, MPH, CHES, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Trust for America's Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    Policy Series: Strategies to Frame Our Public Policy Work
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Co-Chair: Julie R. Schoen, JD (she/her/hers) – Keck School of Medicine at USC
    Discussant: Hannah Albers (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Julie Ober Allen, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Oklahoma
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Development of the Longitudinal Study of Health and Ageing in Kenya (LOSHAK)
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Niranjani Nagarajan, MD, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Better Together: Strenthening the Age-Friendly Ecosystem
    Location: Room 120
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Consolation Spaces: Do They Help to Make Serious Illness, Death, and Loss Discussable in the Community?
    Location: Room 415
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dury (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - In Their Own Words: Dynamics That Contribute to Successful and Sustained Partnerships in CBPR With Older People
    Location: Room 103
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Strategies to Frame Our Public Policy Work
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - The Relevance of SNAP Program Accessibility for Food Insecurity, Focusing on Adults With Disabilities
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Laura J. Samuel, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - Advancing Adoption and Sustainability of Age-Friendly Initiatives Through Synergies and Implementation Science
    Location: Room 120
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - Challenges of Conducting Community-Engaged Research Among Justice-Involved Mid- and Late-Life Adults
    Location: Room 103
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rodlescia Sneed, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - Exploring the Role of the Community at the End of Life: Experiences From a Small Community-Led End-of-Life Project
    Location: Room 415
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: An-Sofie Smetcoren, PhD (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - Food Desert Residence and Cognitive Trajectories in US Older Population Aged 65 and Older
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Boeun Kim, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - A Critical Reflection on Aging in Place: Including End of Life in Age-Friendly Policy
    Location: Room 415
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patty Doran, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Manchester
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: Research on Local Practice to Strengthen the Movement's Future
    Location: Room 120
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - Challenges in the Community-Driven Recruitment of Black Older Adults to a Health Research Registry
    Location: Room 103
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - Vision Loss and Food Insecurity in the National Health and Aging Trends Study
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Louay Almidani, MD, MSc – Wilmer Eye Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    4 - Age-Friendly Campuses: Need and Opportunity for Synergy in the Age-Friendly Ecosystem
    Location: Room 120
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joann M. Montepare, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – Lasell University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    4 - Breaking the Taboo of Serious Illness, Dying, and Loss in the Community: Caring Neighborhoods in Belgium
    Location: Room 415
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hannelore Stegen (she/her/hers) – Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Society and Ageing Research Lab (SARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    4 - Forward Steps and Missteps: What We've Learned Through the Process of Community-Engaged Research
    Location: Room 103
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jordan P. Lewis, PhD, MSW, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    5 - Age-Friendly Public Health Systems in Action
    Location: Room 120
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karon Phillips, PhD, MPH, CHES, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Trust for America's Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Feasibility and Efficacy of Life Review Depression Intervention by Video-Trained Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Christina E. Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    1 - Mason CARES Randomized Study: Effects of a Nine-Week Stress Management Program Intervention on Caregiver Burden Scores
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Gilbert Gimm, PhD (he/him/his) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - Care Partners' Engagement in Preventing Falls for Community-Dwelling Older People With Dementia
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Yuanjin Zhou, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Austin
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    2 - The Role of Social Enterprise Organizations in Supporting Family Carers of Older People Living With Dementia
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Maria Cheshire-Allen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Swansea University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - Examining a Randomly Assigned Music Program on Stress and Wellness: Care Partners of Older Adults Living With Dementia
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Catherine J. Tompkins, PhD, MSW, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    3 - Implementation Models for Following Up After a Dementia-Related Missing Incident
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Christine H. Daum, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Waterloo
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    4 - Perspectives of Caregivers to Black and Hispanic Persons Living With Dementia (PLWD) About End-of-Life Communication
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Zainab Toteh Osakwe, PhD, RN, NP (she/her/hers) – Adelphi University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    4 - Words of Advice for Researchers: A Qualitative Study on People Living With Dementia’s Experiences in Research
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Ha Neul Kim, MSW (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    5 - Losing Personhood: Experiences of Individuals Caring for a Family Member With Dementia
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Rachel M. Carter, M.A., PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – University of Rochester
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    5 - The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada: Examining Sex, Ethnicity, and Age of Onset in the Landmark Study
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Joshua J. Armstrong, PhD (he/him/his) – Alzheimer Society of Canada
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
    6 - Exploring the Everyday Experiences of Family Caregivers of People Living With Dementia: A Longitudinal Diary Study
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Kishore Seetharaman, MS (he/him/his) – Simon Fraser University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    Attitudes About Aging and Ageism
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    Global Aging (SRPP)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    Health Care
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    Minority and Diverse Populations (Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    Social Determinants of Health, Equity, and Aging
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    208 - Intergenerational Co-Production in Digital Design for Health, Well-Being, and Social Connection
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 208
    First Author: Catherine Hennessy, DrPH, FGSA – University of Stirling
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    209 - Strategies to Mitigate Machine Learning Bias Affecting Older Adults: Results From a Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 209
    First Author: Charlene H. Chu, RN, GNC(c), PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    210 - Ageism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Professionals’ Perspectives
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 210
    First Author: Dolapo O. Adeniji, PhD (she/her/hers) – Indiana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    211 - “It’s Not the Destination but the Journey”: Perspectives and Advice on Wisdom
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 211
    First Author: Nicole Lehpamer, PhD (she/her/hers) – Mather Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    212 - Depiction of Older Adults in an International Pacific Ring Student Competition on Older Adult Care
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 212
    First Author: Jonathan Guillemot, MA, MSc, PhD (he/him/his) – Universidad San Francisco de Quito
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    213 - How Organizations Can Address Ageism as Part of Their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives and Programs
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 213
    First Author: Sasha Perez, MPH (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    214 - Age Logics in Social Work: The Case of Harm Reduction for 50+ With Long-Term Substance Misuse
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 214
    First Author: Håkan Jönson, PhD (he/him/his) – Lunds Universitet
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    215 - Ageism in the Labor Market: Learning and Education for Older Adult Job Seekers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 215
    First Author: Bora Jin, PhD – Winston Salem State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    216 - Lived Experiences of Older Female Sex Workers at Sonagachi, Kolkata: A Case Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 216
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    217 - Population Aging in India: A Microlevel Estimate Using Gridded Population Data
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 217
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    218 - Is Middle-Aged Inequity Likely to Persist Into Old Age?: Trajectories of Social Exclusion in Korea
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 218
    First Author: Jae Yeon Jung, MSW – Yonsei University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    219 - Defining Old Age in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Perspective of African Scholars and Professionals.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 219
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    220 - Who Are the Portuguese Who Reach 100 Years of Age? A Demographic Analysis Using 2021 Census Data
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 220
    First Author: Oscar Ribeiro, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Aveiro
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    222 - Repeat and Serial Emergency Department (ED) Older Adult Users—A State-Level Analysis Using the NYU-JHU Algorithm
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 222
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    223 - Considering Hospital Closures in Alabama: National Policy Implications
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 223
    First Author: Avani A. Shah, PHD – University of Alabama
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    224 - Nursing Homes’ Five-Star Quality Rating System: Forecasting The Future Stability And Volatility
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 224
    First Author: Shivani Gupta, PhD, MBA, BDS – University of Houston - Clear Lake
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    225 - Analysis of Reporting Guideline and Trial Registration Policies Among Geriatric Journals: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 225
    First Author: Shaelyn Ward, B.S (she/her/hers) – Oklahoma State College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    226 - Menopausal Symptom Experience of Mid-Life Women Family Caregivers of Persons Living With Alzheimer’s Disease
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 226
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    227 - Sociocultural Barriers to Equity in Social Support for Dementia Caregiving in Minority Women
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 227
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    228 - Challenges and Opportunities in Recruiting Diverse Older Adults Who Are Frail From the MAPS-B Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 228
    First Author: Suleman Tariq (he/him/his) – McMaster University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    229 - Has Your Smile Been Checked?: Characteristics of Dental Care Utilization of Medicare Beneficiaries
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 229
    First Author: Lillian Agyemang, MSW, MHA, LNHA (she/her/hers) – University at Buffalo School of Social Work
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    230 - The Effect of Resilience on Using Community Organizations Among Korean American Older Adults During COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 230
    First Author: Eunhye Kim, PhD (she/her/hers) – Augusta University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    231 - Recruitment and Retention Among a Longitudinal Cohort of Aging Adults: Experiences of the Woodlawn Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 231
    First Author: Brittany A. Bugbee, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    232 - Intersection of Race and Place-Based Disparities Among 65+ in Mississippi
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 232
    First Author: Taylor Jansen, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    233 - A Green Activity Prescription Program for Chinese Americans Living With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 233
    First Author: Hayley Belli, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    234 - Socioeconomic Disparities in Physical and Occupational Therapy Home Health Care Visits for People With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 234
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    235 - Fall Prevention Model at Local Non-Profit Equipment Exchange Program Utilizing the STEADI: a Compilation of Two Pilot Studies
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 235
    First Author: Constance Lewis, PT, DPT, GCS (she/her/hers) – Gannon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    236 - Rhythm and Nature: Applying Trauma-Informed Approaches to Research to Prioritize Choice, Expression, and Justice
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 236
    First Author: Emily S. Ihara, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    237 - Neighborhood Impact on Older Adults’ Health Outcomes in Korea
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 237
    First Author: Seon Kim, MSW, PhD Students (she/her/hers) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    238 - Living Arrangements, Housing Characteristics, and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Adults in China
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 238
    First Author: Rong Fu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Siena College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    239 - “The Only Way for Us to Stay Safe Is to Hide”: The Experiences of Older Chinese Immigrants During COVID-19 in NYC
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 239
    First Author: Yiyi Wu (she/her/hers) – Hunter College, City University of New York
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    240 - Social Participation Among Older Adults with Unmet Need Consequences: From a Disability Perspective
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 240
    First Author: Natalie Turner, LMSW (she/her/hers) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    241 - Behavioral Health Predictors of Premature Mortality in a Black American Longitudinal Cohort
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 241
    First Author: Kerry M. Green, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland at College Park
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    242 - Work Precarity and the Aging Workforce: Trends in Health Disparity Among Older Service Sector Workers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 242
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    243 - Social Determinants and Health Equity Among NYC Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 243
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    244 - Social Risks Among Predominantly African American/Black Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 244
    First Author: Victoria Winslow, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    245 - Cultivating Cultural Competence With Interdisciplinary Teams in Serious Illness Care
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 245
    First Author: Karen Bullock, PhD, FGSA, LICSW, APHSW-C – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    259 - Disparities and Trends in Comprehensive Pain Management Among the Adult Population in the Post-Opioid Epidemic
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 259
    First Author: Sebastián Spataro – University of Pennsylvania
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    268 - A Scoping Review on Barriers and Facilitators of Community Engagement in Learning Health Systems
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 268
    First Author: Lillian Hung, PhD, RN – University of British Columbia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    269 - A Content Analysis of National African American Reparation Commission's Reparations Plan for Older Black Americans
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 269
    First Author: Jocelyn L. Brown, M.S., M.A. (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland Baltimore and Baltimroe County
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    274 - Bridge Employment or Encore Career? Predictors that Distinguish Later Life Career Transitions
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 274
    First Author: Yun taek Oh, PhD – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    290 - Days at Dunrovin: Analysis of Field Notes from an Online Nature-Based Intervention for Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 290
    First Author: Megan R. Westmore, LMSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington School of Social Work
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    298 - Defining ‘Outbreak’: Administrators’ Experiences Managing COVID-19 at US Nursing Homes
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 298
    First Author: Joan Brazier, MS (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    301 - “There is a shortage and misuse of tertiary nursing”: Perspectives of Nursing Assistants in Acute Care
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 301
    First Author: Jennifer Wagner, MPH, LNHA, HSE, CEAL (she/her/hers) – Bowling Green State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    316 - Chronic Disabilities and Polysubstance Use in Adults Aged 50 + Across 25 US States
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 316
    First Author: John R. Massey, MPH, FNP-BC, RN – University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    317 - 25 years after the passing of the NPO Law: Examining the organizational capacity of older volunteer organizations
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 317
    First Author: Li-Mei Chen, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – George Mason University College of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    319 - A Systematic Review of The Art-Based Research With Old Adults in South Korea
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 319
    First Author: Yeojin Yoon, BSW (she/her/hers) – Chung-Ang Univercity
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    326 - Care Compare Star Ratings and Family Satisfaction in Maryland Nursing Facilities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 326
    First Author: Roberto Millar, PhD – The Hilltop Institute at UMBC
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    327 - Aging in Jail: Challenges and Improvements
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 327
    First Author: Adriana Hernandez (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    340 - Associated Factors of Participation in Digital Technology: A Study Based on Older People in China
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 340
    First Author: Lan Liu, PhD – Institute of Population Research
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    343 - Association Between Long-Term Care Facility Staff Trust in Leadership and Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 343
    First Author: Xinjun Li, MPH (she/her/hers) – AHCA/NCAL
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    352 - Barriers and Societal Factors Surrounding Long-Stay Resident Discharge to the Community in Louisiana
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 352
    First Author: Valerie Williams, MHA (she/her/hers) – AHCA/NCAL
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    355 - Causal Effect of Anti-Dementia Drugs on Patients' Economic Burden using Double/Debiased Machine Learning Approach
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 355
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    357 - A Longitudinal Study on SNAP Participation and Self-Reported Health Among Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Individuals
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 357
    First Author: Danielle Duran, MA (she/her/hers) – Northeastern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    361 - Characterizing Nursing Home Visitation Policies and Processes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 361
    First Author: Courtney Hawes, BS (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    374 - Co-producing a boardgame to learn and engage about dementia inequalities: The Dementia Inequalities Game
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 374
    First Author: Clarissa Giebel, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Liverpool
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    378 - Decision-Making Capacity Assessments for Vulnerable Adults: Lessons for Social Work Competency
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 378
    First Author: Adria E. Navarro, PhD, LCSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    386 - Architectural, Interior Design, and Technological Interventions to Facilitate Rehabilitation and Aging in Place.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 386
    First Author: Swati Katyarmal, Council of Architecture, India (she/her/hers) – OCAD University, Toronto, Canada
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Wednesday, Nov 8th
    6:00 PM – 7:15 PM ET
    396 - Demand-Abilities Fit and Prestige Influence Older Workers’ Interest in Alternative Jobs
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 396
    First Author: Nathan Baker – Michigan State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Health Care, Public Health
    Location: Room 107
    Paper Session Chair: Emmanuel Garcia, PhD (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Policy Series: A Secure Retirement for Older Women
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Brian W. Lindberg, MMHS (he/him/his) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Co-Chair: Cindy Hounsell, JD (she/her/hers) – Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER)
    Panelist: Hector Ortiz, PhD – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Variation in Assisted Living Regulation: Implications for State Agency Oversight, Provider Knowledge, and Practice
    Location: Room 105
    Chair: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Discussant: Derek R. Manis, PhD – Arizona State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jacy A. Weems, MPH (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dys, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cassandra L. Hua, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Assessing Regulatory Stringency for Licensed Assisted Living: A Multifaceted Approach
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Civil Monetary Penalties Governing Assisted Living: Variation Across and Within States
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jacy A. Weems, MPH (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Contextualizing the Range of Medication-Related Regulatory Requirements in Assisted Living
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dys, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Admissions and Discharge Practices in Assisted Living: The Role of Regulatory and Organizational Characteristics
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cassandra L. Hua, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Associations Between Hearing Loss and Health Care Utilization: Evidence From NHATS
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Emmanuel Garcia, PhD (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Assisted Living Administrators' Understanding of Regulatory Requirements in Seven States
    Location: Room 105
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Hospice Clinicians’ Willingness to Be Present During Medical Aid in Dying: A Content Analysis of Rationales
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Todd D. Becker, LMSW (he/him/his) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Caregiver Oral Health Beliefs, Conversations, and Access: Findings From the MOTIVATE at Home Program
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Jennifer Crittenden, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maine Center on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - When Disaster Strikes: Addressing the Unique Needs Older Adults Face in Emergency Situations
    Location: Room 107
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Physical and Mental Health Status Among Sandwich and Nonsandwich Caregivers by Race/Ethnicity
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Christina E. Miyawaki, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    AARP Public Policy Institute Presents the Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard, 2023
    Location: Room 105
    Chair: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Discussant: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rani E. Snyder, MPA (she/her/hers) – The John A. Hartford Foundation
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Robert A. Applebaum, MSW PhD – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Adult Protection and Elder Abuse (Papers) I
    Location: Room 122
    Paper Session Chair: Zach Gassoumis, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Mobilizing Interdisciplinary Research to Illuminate Diversity Across the Cancer Care Continuum
    Location: Room 413
    Chair: Sean N. Halpin, PhD – RTI
    Co-Chair: Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, PhD (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Irene Darmadi Blackberry, BMed PhD (she/her/hers) – La Trobe University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Iraida V. Carrion, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Aaron T. Seaman, PhD – University of Iowa
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sean N. Halpin, PhD – RTI
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Policy Series: Aging and Health Policy Update: A View From Washington
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Brian W. Lindberg, MMHS (he/him/his) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Discussant: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Panelist: Andrew MacPherson – Healthsperien
    Panelist: Robert Blancato, MPA – Elder Justice Coalition
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Social Determinants of Health and Aging I
    Location: Room 123
    Paper Session Chair: Lingling Zhang, ScD, FAMIA – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Social Isolation and Loneliness II
    Location: Room 124
    Paper Session Chair: Ad Maulod, PhD (he/him/his) – Duke-NUS Medical School
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Workforce (SRPP Papers)
    Location: Room 107
    Paper Session Chair: Kylie Meyer, PhD, Mac (she/her/hers) – Case Western Reserve University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - The LTSS State Scorecard and Age-Friendly Care
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rani E. Snyder, MPA (she/her/hers) – The John A. Hartford Foundation
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - The Role of Age-Friendly Health Care in Older Adults With Cancer
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Irene Darmadi Blackberry, BMed PhD (she/her/hers) – La Trobe University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Knowledge of Gender-Specific Types of Cancer Among Older Latinos/as
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Iraida V. Carrion, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - The LTSS State Scorecard National Advisory Panel
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Robert A. Applebaum, MSW PhD – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Examining Awareness and Use of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments in Cancer Care: A Qualitative Study
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Aaron T. Seaman, PhD – University of Iowa
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - The LTSS State Scorecard and the Role of State Policy
    Location: Room 105
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Co-Morbid Dementia and Cancer Therapy Decision-Making: A Scoping Review
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sean N. Halpin, PhD – RTI
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - The LTSS State Scorecard and Multisector Plans for Aging
    Location: Room 105
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - A Community-Driven Initiative to Engage Employers as Advocates to Support Working Caregivers
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Kylie Meyer, PhD, Mac (she/her/hers) – Case Western Reserve University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Assessing Bidirectional Longitudinal Associations Between Social Resources and Cognitive Decline in Late Life
    Location: Room 124
    First Author: Yun Zhang, PhD (she/her/hers) – Columbia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Factors Associated With Elder Mistreatment Among Persons Living With Dementia
    Location: Room 122
    First Author: Zach Gassoumis, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Social Determinants of Cognitive Health: A Scoping Review
    Location: Room 123
    First Author: Lingling Zhang, ScD, FAMIA – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Patterns of Self-Employment and Health Trajectories in Later Life: Evidence From China
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Yu-Chih Chen, PhD (he/him/his) – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Predictors of Whether Self-Neglect Is Validated by Adult Protective Services Case Managers
    Location: Room 122
    First Author: Samantha E. Tuft, PhD (she/her/hers) – Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Social Network Size and the Transition to Nondriving
    Location: Room 124
    First Author: Kellia J. Hansmann, MD, MPH (she/they) – William S Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - The Effect of Mental Health on Detroit Residence in Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Room 123
    First Author: Ivana A. Vaughn, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Henry Ford Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - "You Become Less of a Person": Being Unneeded and the Political Economy of Loneliness in Later Life
    Location: Room 124
    First Author: Ad Maulod, PhD (he/him/his) – Duke-NUS Medical School
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Disproportionate Incarceration After the 1994 Crime Bill and Cognitive Function in Older Adults Racialized as White
    Location: Room 123
    First Author: Paris B. Adkins-Jackson, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Columbia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Preventing Elder Mistreatment Through a Caregiver-Focused Intervention: The COACH Program
    Location: Room 122
    First Author: Kathleen H. Wilber, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE – University of South California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Psychometric Properties of the Changing Talk Online Training Program Evaluation Scale for Long-Term Care Staff
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Frances M. Yang, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Childhood Interpersonal Trauma and Depression of Chinese in Mid Later Life: Mediation Effect of Social Integration
    Location: Room 123
    First Author: Jiajia Zhou, PhD (she/her/hers) – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Intergenerational Relationships and Happiness: Mediating Roles of Psychological Resilience and COVID-19 Anxiety
    Location: Room 124
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Older Adult Research Specialists Seek Encore Careers Promoting the Inclusion of Older Adult Peers in Clinical Trials
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Kathryn A. Nearing, PhD MA (she/her/hers) – University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Predicting Client Return to Adult Protective Services: A Secondary Analysis of Recurrence Using National APS Data
    Location: Room 122
    First Author: Raphael Gaeta, PhD (he/him/his) – New Editions Consulting, Inc.
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Birthplace and Cognition Among US Older Adults: Evidence From the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP)
    Location: Room 123
    First Author: Zhuoer Lin, MPhil (he/him/his) – Yale University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - How Will Age Inclusivity Survive in an Era of Anti-DEI Initiatives?
    Location: Room 107
    First Author: Dana Bradley, Ph.D, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – UMBC
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Integrating Practitioner Knowledge Into an Algorithm to Identify Cases for Review by an Adult Maltreatment MDT
    Location: Room 122
    First Author: Erin K. Thayer, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California - Keck School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - The Effect of Interventions to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Family Caregivers: A Systematic Review
    Location: Room 124
    First Author: Boah Kim, MPH (she/her/hers) – Simon Fraser University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    6 - Loneliness Among Older Family Caregivers: A Study of Caregiving Intensity, Type and Location Based on the CLSA
    Location: Room 124
    First Author: Lun Li, PhD (he/him/his) – MacEwan University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Age Friendly
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    End of Life
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Environment and Aging (SRPP)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Social Networks, Social Support, Social Isolation, and Loneliness
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Workforce (SRPP Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    2 - Age-Friendly Partner Evaluation: Reviewing Florida Action Plans
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 2
    First Author: Helena L. Swanson, PhD (she/her/hers) – Central Connecticut State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    3 - Discrimination and Psychological Well-Being in Later Life: Longitudinal Evidence From China
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 3
    First Author: Shuai Zhou, MPhil (he/him/his) – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    4 - Important Community Features and Services in Diverse Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 4
    First Author: Kyeongmo Kim, PhD (he/him/his) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    5 - Age-Friendly Communities in the Andes: Considerations to Improve Uptake
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 5
    First Author: Jonathan Guillemot, MA, MSc, PhD (he/him/his) – Universidad San Francisco de Quito
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    6 - Developing an Age-Friendly Ecosystem: A Case Study From Minnesota’s Multisector Blueprint on Aging
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 6
    First Author: Farah Baig, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    7 - Maintaining Personhood and Autonomy: A Grounded Theory of Community-Based Hospice Care Transitions
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 7
    First Author: Catherine M. Mann, EdD, RN, CNS (she/her/hers) – State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    8 - Clinician Expressions of Condolence After the Death of a Patient: An International Survey
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 8
    First Author: Katlynn Van Ogtrop, MD (she/her/hers) – Northwell Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    9 - Sociodemographic Differences in Advance Care Planning Among Older Lesbian and Gay Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 9
    First Author: Meki Singleton, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California, Leonard Davis S
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    10 - Service Provider Perspectives on Advance Care Planning Use in Rural Dementia Patients and Caregivers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 10
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    11 - Heterogenous Effects of Medicare Benefit for Advance Care Planning Conversation by Sociodemographic Factors
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 11
    First Author: Yifan Lou, PhD, LMSW (she/her/hers) – Yale University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    12 - Americans and Taiwanese: A Comparison of Beliefs in and Preferences for Advance Directives by Sociodemographics
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 12
    First Author: Yuchi Young, DrPH – University at Albany
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    13 - Neighborhood Cohesion, Neighborhood Physical Disadvantage, and End-of-life Care: How Neighborhood Matters
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 13
    First Author: Kedong Ding, AM, LMSW (he/him/his) – Case Western Reserve University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    14 - Underutilization of Hospice Care in Older Black Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 14
    First Author: Channing E. Tate, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    15 - Barriers to Health Care Access Among Undocumented Immigrants: Perspective of Palliative Care Health Care Providers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 15
    First Author: Valeria L. Cardenas (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    16 - The Influence of Population Aging on Energy Consumption Quantity Mechanism Research
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 16
    First Author: Jing Ma, PhD candidate (she/her/hers) – Zhejiang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    17 - Neighborhood Characteristics and Sleep Problems: Mediating Roles of Health Behaviors and Mental Health
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 17
    First Author: Ethan Siu Leung Cheung, PhD – The University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    18 - Does Neighborhood Gentrification Affect Food Insecurity Among Urban Older Adults? Evidence From New York City
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 18
    First Author: Ethan Siu Leung Cheung, PhD – The University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    19 - The Direct Effect of Community-Level Risk Factors on Lung Cancer Incidence in Four New England States
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 19
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    20 - Health Status and Environmental Factors Associated With Older Adults’ Mobility in 2021 Compared to 2020
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 20
    First Author: Namkee G. Choi, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Texas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    21 - The Cognitive Decline–Mortality Association Is Modified by Living Alone and Social Network: A Paradox of Isolation
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 21
    First Author: Hiroshi Murayama, RN, PHN, MPH, PhD (he/him/his) – Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    22 - COVID-19 Symptoms and Risk of Cognitive Function Impairment/Dementia Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 22
    First Author: Reza Amini, PhD, MD, MPH (he/him/his) – University of Michigan-Flint
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    23 - Social Isolation of Older Adults With and Without Physical Health Conditions During COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 23
    First Author: Tina R. Kilaberia, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    24 - Social Connectedness Resourcing of Older people in Assisted Living in the United States of America: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 24
    First Author: Rekha Pudur, MSc (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    25 - Did COVID-19 Change Reports of Loneliness and Social Isolation Among Older Americans Act Clients?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 25
    First Author: Heather L. Menne, PhD, FGSA – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    26 - Childlessness and Loneliness in Later Life? The Moderating Role of Reasons for Childlessness
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 26
    First Author: Hannelore Stegen (she/her/hers) – Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Society and Ageing Research Lab (SARLab), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    27 - Transportation-Related Factors and the Likelihood of Companionships Among Senior Center Members
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 27
    First Author: Rebecca L. Mauldin, PhD, MSW, LMSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    28 - Social Integration, Cognition, and Functional Outcome in Older Adults Following Traumatic Brain Injury
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 28
    First Author: Wonkyung Jung, PhD,RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    29 - A Scoping Review of LGBTQ+ Multigenerational Programming: Gaps and Opportunities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 29
    First Author: Leyi Zhou, LMSW, MSW – University of California, Berkeley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    30 - Why Are Socially Isolated Older Adults Unable to Access Services in Japan? A Preliminary Review of Four Factors
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 30
    First Author: Tomoko Ikeuchi, PhD – Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    31 - Social Engagement Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Quality-of-Life Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 31
    First Author: Alisha R. Thompson, MSW (she/her/hers) – Louisiana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    32 - Job Availability for Older Workers in a Community: Analysis on Job Postings
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 32
    First Author: Hyesu Yeo, PhD – University of Georgia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    33 - Advanced Care Planning: Leveraging Partnerships to Improve State-Wide Dissemination
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 33
    First Author: Lisa Bodenheimer, MSW, LCSW (she/her/hers) – Rowan University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    34 - Perspectives of the Home Health Workforce on Training
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 34
    First Author: Elise Valdes, PhD, MS (she/her/hers) – Relias Inc.
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    35 - Trauma and Resilience Among Direct Care Workers in Nursing Homes
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 35
    First Author: Alfred Boakye, MA, Mphil,BA (he/him/his) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    36 - Applying a Trauma-Informed DEI Practice Model to Transform Care Culture
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 36
    First Author: Jennifer Morgan, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    37 - Fostering Practice Change by Integrating Interprofessional Education in a Community Health Collaboration
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 37
    First Author: Jennifer DeGennaro, MA (she/her/hers) – Rowan-Virtua SOM / NJISA
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    38 - Comparing Varied Effects of Work and Participation on Development of Older Japanese Across Genders
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 38
    First Author: Keiko Katagiri, PhD – Kobe University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    39 - Development and Validation of a U.S. and German Short Version of the Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI-S)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 39
    First Author: Juergen Deller, Dr. – Leuphana University of Lueneburg
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    40 - Training for Caregiver of Older Adults in Ecuador: Report on Presential, Distance, and Hybrid Modalities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 40
    First Author: Jonathan Guillemot, MA, MSc, PhD (he/him/his) – Universidad San Francisco de Quito
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    41 - Evaluation of Dementia Education Training in Georgia Nursing Homes
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 41
    First Author: Yun-Zih Chen, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland, Baltimore County
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    253 - Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives on AI-enabled Robots Use in Long-term Care: A Scoping Review.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 253
    First Author: Lillian Hung, PhD, RN – University of British Columbia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    254 - Evaluation of the Illinois Public Health Association Alzheimer’s Disease Early Detection and Awareness Campaign
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 254
    First Author: Julie Bobitt, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Illinois Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    257 - Feasibility of an Online Dementia Caregiver Education Curriculum for Faith-Community Leaders
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 257
    First Author: Jeffrey P. Graupner, MPH (he/him/his) – University of Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    258 - Identifying the Relationship between Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence and Current Service Use in Ohio's 88 counties
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 258
    First Author: Matt M. Nelson, MGS (he/him/his) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    269 - Health Professional Student-Led Social Phone Calls to Address Loneliness in Aging-in-Place Adults after Stroke
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 269
    First Author: Jason Burnett, PhD – University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    273 - Evaluating Aging In Place Long-Term Care Reforms: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 273
    First Author: Janet MacNeil Vroomen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Amsterdam Medical Centers
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    274 - Home Modification on Favorite Activity and Self-Efficacy among Older Adults with Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 274
    First Author: Soobin Park, MA in Social Welfare – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    281 - Impact of the Teaching Nursing Home on Staff Satisfaction and Burnout
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 281
    First Author: Howard B. Degenholtz, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    297 - Getting to Know You: Using Virtual Reality in Volunteer Respite Program for Persons with Memory Loss
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 297
    First Author: Louanne Bakk, PhD, MSW – University at Buffalo
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    299 - End-of Life Care Planning: The Role of Family for Vietnamese Americans and Filipino Americans
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 299
    First Author: Carson M. De Fries, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Denver
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    302 - Different patterns of vaccine hesitancy among older adults by race/ethnicity, income, and education
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 302
    First Author: BoRin Kim, PhD – University of New Hampshire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    304 - Experiences of Social Isolation by Mandarin and Punjabi-Speaking Older Immigrants Living in Calgary
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 304
    First Author: Prince Ekoh, Msc – University of Calgary
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    306 - Findability of Health Equity Definitions on Reputable Aging and Public Health Websites
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 306
    First Author: Mahederemariam Dagne, MS (she/her/hers) – Marymount University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    308 - Examining the Association Among ADLs, Demographics, with Food Security Adults at Senior Centers in Fulton County, GA
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 308
    First Author: Kehinde G. Akintola (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    313 - Identifying Factors That Contribute to the Financial Strain of Hispanic Caregivers of Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 313
    First Author: Margret P. Howard, BA (she/her/hers) – The New Jewish Home Research Institute on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    314 - Healthy Aging and Older Adults with Autism: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 314
    First Author: Mary K. Stringfellow, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    316 - Do Physical Disability, Food Insecurity, and Neighborhood Cohesion Matter in Depression?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 316
    First Author: Jihyeong Jeong, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    319 - Exploring Property Tax Burdens and Aging in Place: A Geospatial Investigation in Pennsylvania
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 319
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    322 - How is the Nursing Home Quality of Care Aligned With the Quality of Life?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 322
    First Author: Jenny Kwon, MS (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    324 - Happy to Chat – promoting talking to strangers in public places in the UK
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 324
    First Author: Christina R. Victor, PhD, FGSA – Brunel University London
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    335 - Experiences and Perceptions of Foreign Nurses Working in a Super-aged Society: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 335
    First Author: Derong Zeng, PhD candidates (he/him/his) – Kyoto University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    340 - Faith-based community outreach to increase Alzheimer’s clinical research participation in the Black community
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 340
    First Author: Ethlyn Gibson, DNP, MSN, RN (she/her/hers) – Norfolk State University - School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    341 - Exploring the socio-spiritual meaning and coping strategies of older adults living with cancer in Nigeria
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 341
    First Author: Obinna Casmir Odo (he/him/his) – Miami University, Scripps Centre, Department of Sociology and Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    345 - Dementia-Related Stigma, Knowledge, and Willingness to Undergo Cognitive Screening Among Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 345
    First Author: Whitney E. Kasenetz (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    349 - How do education and social media use matter for advance care planning among Chinese older adults?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 349
    First Author: Yaolin Pei, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    358 - Exploring Interprofessional Health Students' Attitudes and Perceptions of Aging and Careers in Gerontology
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 358
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    362 - Identifying solutions to address the behavioral health of older adults: A qualitative analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 362
    First Author: Allyson Stodola, MSW (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    367 - Development of an Evidence-Based Framework for Innovation Readiness of Long-Term Care Organizations
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 367
    First Author: Monique W. van den Hoed, MBA (she/her/hers) – Maastricht University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    373 - Home Triad: A New Way To Understand The Meaning Of Home For People Living With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 373
    First Author: Wenjin Wang, MDes (she/her/hers) – Texas A&M University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    374 - Disrupted Social Life Mediates Association Between Pandemic Worries and Risk of Elder Abuse
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 374
    First Author: Louis To (he/him/his) – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    377 - Group Residential Training of Blind Older Adults Offered by Visually Impaired and Sighted Professional Trainers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 377
    First Author: Nancy D. Miller, MSSW (she/her/hers) – VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    378 - Financial Capability Among Older Adult Immigrants, a Systematic Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 378
    First Author: Bruna Lopez, MSW (she/her/hers) – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    386 - Happy life expectancy and regional and group heterogeneity among Chinese older adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 386
    First Author: Chao Guo, PhD (she/her/hers) – Peking University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    388 - Examining the Association of Historical Redlining with Nursing Home Quality
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 388
    First Author: Narcissa Plummer, MPH – Northeastern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    391 - Further Evaluation of a Modified Version of the Hospice Philosophy Scale: A Differential Item Functioning Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 391
    First Author: Todd D. Becker, PhD, LMSW (he/him/his) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    392 - Do Religion, Culture, Race, or Ethnicity Play a Role in Choosing PEG Tube at the End of Life?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 392
    First Author: Isabella Park, DO – Northwell Long Island Jewish Forest Hills
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    393 - Elderly Care Policy in China: Its Evolutionary Path and Implications on Governance
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 393
    First Author: Qingwei Wang, PhD (he/him/his) – Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    395 - Evaluating the Senior Employment and Social Activity Support Program in Korea: A Systematic Review of Satisfaction
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 395
    First Author: Young Bin Koh, B.A. – Chung-Ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    396 - Examining Aging Among Guanaja, Honduras Islanders Through The Utilization of Social Exclusion Frameworks
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 396
    First Author: Lee Ann S. Ferguson, PhD (she/her/hers) – UMBC Erickson School of Aging Studies
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Advancing Health Equity Among Older Adults Through Community Engaged Research
    Location: Room 124
    Chair: Rachel O'Conor, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Northwestern University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Shakira J. Grant, MBBS, MSCR (she/her/hers) – United States Congress
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Revika Singh, BA, MD/MPH Candidate (she/her/hers) – Northwestern University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Dianne Oladejo, n/a (she/her/hers) – Northwestern University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Filec, MPH – Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias and Health Care
    Location: Room 111
    Paper Session Chair: Richard H. Fortinsky, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Connecticut
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Contract Nurse Staffing and Nursing Homes: Antecedents and Consequences
    Location: Room 123
    Chair: Rohit Pradhan, PhD (he/him/his) – Texas State University
    Co-Chair: Robert Weech-Maldonado, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Discussant: Jane Banaszak-Holl, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Alabama Birmingham
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rohit Pradhan, PhD (he/him/his) – Texas State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ganisher Davlyatov, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Gregory N. Orewa, MSc, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Texas, San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Empowering LGBTQ Older Adults: Promoting Health Equity and Well-Being Across the Life Course
    Location: Room 113
    Chair: Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Washington
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christi L. Nelson, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Washington
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Innovative Approaches to Addressing Loneliness and Promoting Aging in Community
    Location: Room 121
    Chair: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Co-Chair: Li-Fan Liu, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) – National Cheng Kung University
    Discussant: Carol Hok Ka Ma, PhD – Singapore University Of Social Sciences
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carol Hok Ka Ma, PhD – Singapore University Of Social Sciences
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stav Shapira, PhD (she/her/hers) – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tsuann Kuo (she/her/hers) – Chung Shan Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Long-Term Care and Workforce
    Location: Room 307
    Paper Session Chair: Denise A. Tyler, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – RTI International
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Policy Series: Building Trust, Addressing Burnout and Expanding the Direct Care Workforce; The 2022 Report to DHSS and Congress
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Naushira Pandya, MD, CMD, FACP (she/her/hers) – Nova Southeastern University, Kiran Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Discussant: Brian W. Lindberg, MMHS (he/him/his) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN (she/her/hers) – Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Naushira Pandya, MD, CMD, FACP (she/her/hers) – Nova Southeastern University, Kiran Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Transcending Boundaries and Barriers: End-of-life Care and Quality of Life for Asian Populations
    Location: Room 105
    Chair: Kaipeng Wang, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Denver
    Co-Chair: Fei Sun, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – Michigan State University
    Discussant: Iraida V. Carrion, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kaipeng Wang, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Denver
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Peiyuan Zhang, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jessica L. Cassidy, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Valuing and Supporting the Invisible Workforce of Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 417
    Chair: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Selena Caldera, MPP (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rita B. Choula, MA (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    Visualizing Aging Equity: Cross-Sectoral Partnerships to Create Mapping Tools for Social Change
    Location: Room 114
    Chair: Clara Scher, LMSW, MSc (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Co-Chair: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Discussant: Rodney Harrell, PhD – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Laura M. Keyes, PhD, AICP (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elana F. Kieffer, MBA (she/her/hers) – The New York Academy of Medicine
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan Silberman, PhD (she/her/hers) – National Council on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Attitudes Toward Advance Directives Among Older Southeast Asian Americans
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kaipeng Wang, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Denver
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Contract Nurse Utilization and Facility and Community Factors
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rohit Pradhan, PhD (he/him/his) – Texas State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Developing an Interactive County Mapping Tool to Advance Age-Friendly Progress in New Jersey
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Estimating the Economic Value of Family Caregiving at a National and State Level
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Selena Caldera, MPP (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Loneliness and Social Isolation: To Screen or Not? Providers' Communications and Comfortability
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Sexual and Gender Identity and Their Properties in Aging With Pride: National Health, Aging, and Sexuality and Gender Study
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christi L. Nelson, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Telehealth Utilization by Rural Older Cancer Survivors: A Community-Based Qualitative Assessment
    Location: Room 124
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Workforce Challenges During Covid-19
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN (she/her/hers) – Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - 2022 Report Summary
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Naushira Pandya, MD, CMD, FACP (she/her/hers) – Nova Southeastern University, Kiran Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - If You Know One Caregiver, You Know One Caregiver: Understanding the Diversity of US Caregiving Experiences
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rita B. Choula, MA (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - Leveraging the Community as Partners to Advance Cancer Research in Socially Diverse Older Adult Populations
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Shakira J. Grant, MBBS, MSCR (she/her/hers) – United States Congress
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - Perceived Barriers and Sociocultural Factors of Advance Care Planning Among Chinese American Older Adults
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Peiyuan Zhang, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - San Antonio Transportation Planning System: Mapping Infrastructure Capacity and Coordination
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Laura M. Keyes, PhD, AICP (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - The Impact of Contract Nurse Utilization on Nursing Home Quality
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ganisher Davlyatov, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - The Voice of Older Adults on Digital Inclusion for Healthy Community in Singapore
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carol Hok Ka Ma, PhD – Singapore University Of Social Sciences
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - Violence, Identity, Behaviors, and Access: Mechanisms Accounting for Changes in Health Over Time of LGBTQ Older Adults
    Location: Room 113
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - 2022 Report Recommendations and Implementation
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - A Digital Intervention to Promote Effective Coping During Crisis and Routine Among Older Adults
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stav Shapira, PhD (she/her/hers) – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - A Systematic Review of Nonmedical Factors Influencing Chinese Patients' Quality of Life in Their Last Year
    Location: Room 105
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - Cognitive Impairment Among Older Adults With Intersecting Sexual, Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Minority Identities
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - Promising Policy and Practice Supporting Family Caregivers and Recommendations for the Future
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - The Development and Utilization of IMAGE:NYC: The Interactive Map of Aging
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elana F. Kieffer, MBA (she/her/hers) – The New York Academy of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - The Impact of Contract Nurse Utilization on Nursing Home Financial Performance
    Location: Room 123
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - Using a Community Advisory Board to Develop a Telehealth Concierge for Rural Older Cancer Survivors
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Revika Singh, BA, MD/MPH Candidate (she/her/hers) – Northwestern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Aging Well: Older Adults and Data Mapping
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan Silberman, PhD (she/her/hers) – National Council on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Helping Korean American Older Adults Through Education, Resources, and Volunteering: A Case Study of Somang Society
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jessica L. Cassidy, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - It's a Family Affair: Addressing the Needs of Black Dementia Caregivers Through Community-Based Research
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Dianne Oladejo, n/a (she/her/hers) – Northwestern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Nurse Staffing Characteristics at US Nursing Homes: Nursing Mix and Intensity
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Gregory N. Orewa, MSc, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Texas, San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Preparing for Older Adults to Age in Place: Community-Based Efforts in Taiwan
    Location: Room 121
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tsuann Kuo (she/her/hers) – Chung Shan Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    5 - A Community-Engaged Research Journey: Using Home Repairs to Promote Health Equity Among Older Adults
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Filec, MPH – Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    5 - Exploring the Association Between Contract Nurse Staffing and Nurse Turnover in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 123
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Continuing Challenges in State Efforts to Improve Direct Care Worker Wages
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Denise A. Tyler, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – RTI International
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    1 - Findings From a Pilot Pragmatic Clinical Trial Embedding Caregiver Programs in Outpatient Settings
    Location: Room 111
    First Author: Richard H. Fortinsky, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Connecticut
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - Care for Older Adults: What Skills Do Health Care Employers Value in Community College Students?
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Runcie C.W. Chidebe, Dip., BSc., MSc., (he/him/his) – Scripps Centre, Department of Sociology and Gerontology , Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    2 - Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hospital Readmission and Frequent Hospitalizations Among People With Dementia
    Location: Room 111
    First Author: Elham Mahmoudi, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan Medical School
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - Disparities in Continuity of Care and Use of Annual Wellness Visits Among Older Americans With Dementia
    Location: Room 111
    First Author: Elham Mahmoudi, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan Medical School
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    3 - How Care Workers’ Turnover Intention Is Associated With Workplace Violence?: The Role of Stress and Job Satisfaction
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Sunghyun Ko, MSW (he/him/his) – Chung-Ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Assessing Staff Perceptions of Workplace Safety in Nursing Homes: Item Set Development and Testing
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Katarzyna Zebrak, PhD (she/her/hers) – Westat
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    4 - Cognitive Misperception, Disability, and Mortality Among Older Adults in 25 Countries
    Location: Room 111
    First Author: Zhuoer Lin, MPhil (he/him/his) – Yale University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    5 - Recruiting and Retaining Nurses and Frontline Care Workers in Long-Term Care: The REACH Realist Review
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Reena Devi, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Leeds
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Thursday, Nov 9th
    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET
    5 - Social Isolation and Delayed Dementia Diagnosis Among US Older Adults
    Location: Room 111
    First Author: Min Hee Kim, PhD – University of California San Francisco
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    A Public Health Approach to Brain Health: The HBI Road Map Series
    Location: Room 115
    Chair: Shelby Roberts, MPH (she/her/hers) – Alzheimer's Association
    Co-Chair: James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH – The Gerontological Society of America
    Discussant: Diane Ty, MBA/MA (she/her/hers) – Milken Institute
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Meghan Fadel (she/her/hers) – Alzheimer's Association
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lisa McGuire, PhD, FAPA, FGSA – CDC
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kristen Clifford, MBA – Alzheimer's Association
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Adult Protection and Elder Abuse (Papers) II
    Location: Room 120
    Paper Session Chair: Jennifer Crittenden, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maine Center on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Measuring Quality in Long-Term Services and Supports Through Person-Reported Outcomes: Value of NCI Data
    Location: Room 101
    Chair: Tetyana Shippee, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Co-Chair: Stephanie Giordano, DLP, MEEP (she/her/hers) – Human Services Research Institute
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tetyana Shippee, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stephanie Giordano, DLP, MEEP (she/her/hers) – Human Services Research Institute
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Natalie Chong, MA (she/her/hers) – The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eric Jutkowitz, PhD – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Policy Series: Let's Connect: Linking Research to Policy in Family Caregiving
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Lauren Bangerter, PhD (she/her/hers) – Medstar Health
    Co-Chair: Michael Wittke, BSW, MPA (he/him/his) – National Alliance for Caregiving
    Discussant: Fawn Cothran, PhD RN GCNS-BC FGSA (she/her/hers) – National Alliance for Caregiving
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ranak Trivedi, PhD (she/her/hers) – Stanford University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L, BCG (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heidi Donovan, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Precarity and Work in Later Life: Experiences of Older Workers in Uncertain Times
    Location: Room 124
    Chair: Cal J. Halvorsen, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – Boston College
    Co-Chair: Christina Matz, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Boston College
    Discussant: Julie Miller, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cal J. Halvorsen, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – Boston College
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christina Matz, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Boston College
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lona H. Choi-Allum, PhD (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Dawn C. Carr, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Florida State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    The Aging Network as a Catalyst for Community Gerontology and Applied Research
    Location: Room 113
    Chair: Traci L. Wilson, DPhil (she/her/hers) – USAging
    Discussant: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Traci L. Wilson, DPhil (she/her/hers) – USAging
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Beth Blair, MPP (she/her/hers) – USAging
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Robert J. Graham, PhD (he/him/his) – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Experiences and Well-Being of Low-Income Workers in the Senior Community Service Employment Program
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cal J. Halvorsen, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Leveraging a Behemoth: Translating VA Family Caregiver Research to Policy and Practice
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ranak Trivedi, PhD (she/her/hers) – Stanford University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Measuring Unmet Needs for Community-Dwelling Consumers of Home- and Community-Based Services Using NCI-AD Data
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tetyana Shippee, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - The Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map Catalyzes Action Among State, Local, and National Partners
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Meghan Fadel (she/her/hers) – Alzheimer's Association
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - The Role of Area Agencies on Aging in Public Health Vaccination Campaigns: Findings From a National Survey
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Traci L. Wilson, DPhil (she/her/hers) – USAging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Building Sustainability in Public Health Alzheimer's Disease Programs
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lisa McGuire, PhD, FAPA, FGSA – CDC
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Low-Income, Marginalized Older Workers: Financial Strain, Health, and Mental Health
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christina Matz, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Responding to the Health Care Environment: Development of CBO Networks to Address Social Determinants of Health
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Beth Blair, MPP (she/her/hers) – USAging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Targeting and Approaching Legislatures to Support Family Caregiving: Lessons Learned
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L, BCG (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Using National Core Indicators—Aging and Disabilities—for Quality, Policy, and System Transformation
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stephanie Giordano, DLP, MEEP (she/her/hers) – Human Services Research Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - A Novel National Family Caregiver Advocacy Training Program: Lessons Learned
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heidi Donovan, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - A Weak Economy and Age Discrimination Drives Job Uncertainty Among Older Workers
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lona H. Choi-Allum, PhD (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Multisector Collaboration Drives the Development of the Fourth Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kristen Clifford, MBA – Alzheimer's Association
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - The Association Between Person-Centered Planning and Person-Reported Outcomes in Home- and Community-Based Services
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Natalie Chong, MA (she/her/hers) – The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - The Increasing Involvement of AAAs in Addressing the Housing Needs and Homelessness of Older Adults
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Robert J. Graham, PhD (he/him/his) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Association of Managed Care Organization HCBS Quality and Health Care Utilization
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eric Jutkowitz, PhD – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Effects of COVID-19 on Employment Disruption and Financial Precarity
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Dawn C. Carr, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Florida State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - The Aging Network and Climate Resilience
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, MSW, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Stressors & Coping Strategies of Administrators in Chinese Faith-Based Dementia Care Facilities
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Lin Jiang, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Aging and Mass Marketing Fraud: Evidence on Repeat Victimization Using Perpetrator Data
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Marguerite DeLiema, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Power of Attorney Factors and Conditions Influencing Elder Family Financial Exploitation
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Jennifer Crittenden, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maine Center on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Digital Dangers: Technology-Facilitated Abuse Among Adults Age 50+
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Alycia Bayne, MPA (she/her/hers) – NORC at the University of Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Safe and Sensational: Assessing the Secure and Private Online Dating World for Older Adults
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Naheem Noah (he/him/his) – University of Denver
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Creating Structures for Sustainability of Evidence-Based Dementia Caregiver Programs
    Location: Room 123
    Discussant: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kenneth Hepburn, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – Emory University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kate Gordon, MSW (she/her/hers) – Splaine Consulting
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: John V. Hobday, MS (he/him/his) – Savvy Systems, LLC
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Long-Term Paid Care Workforce: Shortage, Burnout, Training, Turnover, What's Next?
    Location: Room 417
    Chair: Ann Rhodes, PhD (she/her/hers) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ann Rhodes, PhD (she/her/hers) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Morgan, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kezia Scales, PhD (she/her/hers) – PHI
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Measuring and Implementing Person-Centered Long-Term Care: Global Perspectives
    Location: Room 111
    Chair: Tonya J. Roberts, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin
    Co-Chair: Franziska Zuniga, RN, PhD, FGSA, FEANS – University of Basel
    Discussant: Michael Lepore, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Maryland School of Nursing
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tonya J. Roberts, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Megan Davies, PhD (she/her/hers) – Medical Faculty, University of Basel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patrick Alexander Wachholz, Md, PhD (he/him/his) – Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jing Wang, PhD, RN, FAAN – University of New Hampshire
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hanzhang Xu, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Duke University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Minority and Diverse Populations (Papers) I
    Location: Room 105
    Paper Session Chair: Man Guo, PhD, FGSA – University of Iowa
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Policy Series: The Moving Forward Nursing Home Coalition: Nursing Home Reform and the Residents' Goals, Preferences, and Priorities
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Tara L. McMullen, PhD, MPH – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    Co-Chair: Tetyana Shippee, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota
    Discussant: Howard B. Degenholtz, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Pittsburgh
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tara L. McMullen, PhD, MPH – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tonya J. Roberts, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alice Bonner, PhD, RN, FAAN (she/her/hers) – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Gregory L. Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FIAHSI – Columbia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Social Determinants of Health and Aging II
    Location: Room 120
    Paper Session Chair: Alexis M. Coulourides Kogan, PhD, MSG (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Who Cares? Retention Strategies for Direct Care Workers
    Location: Room 113
    Chair: Robert A. Applebaum, MSW PhD – Miami University
    Co-Chair: Leah M. Janssen, PhD MGS (she/her/hers) – Scripps Gerontology Center / Miami University
    Discussant: Robert A. Applebaum, MSW PhD – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Leah M. Janssen, PhD MGS (she/her/hers) – Scripps Gerontology Center / Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Isha Karmacharya, MPH (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bailee Brekke (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian Matt Nelson, MGS (he/him/his) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - A Systems Approach on the Impact of Environmental Racism and Climate Change on Residents of Vine City in Atlanta GA
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Kellie Mayfield, Phd, RDN (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Building an Online Training Program for Savvy Facilitators
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kenneth Hepburn, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – Emory University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Measuring Goals, Priorities, and Preferences: Reform Efforts for Transparency and Empowerment
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tara L. McMullen, PhD, MPH – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Person-Centered Care: Setting the International Scene From a Conceptual Perspective
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tonya J. Roberts, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Practical Strategies for Retaining Direct Care Workers
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Leah M. Janssen, PhD MGS (she/her/hers) – Scripps Gerontology Center / Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Special Focus Facilities and COVID-19: The Impact on Staff and Resident Health
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ann Rhodes, PhD (she/her/hers) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Establishing the Effectiveness of the Online Savvy Facilitator Training Program
    Location: Room 123
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Fostering Consistent and Engaging Care for People With Dementia in Long-Term Care
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Morgan, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Identifying, Developing, and Implementing Care Plans Consistent with Goals, Priorities, and Preferences
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tonya J. Roberts, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Providers and Direct Care Workers' Perceptions of Retention
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Isha Karmacharya, MPH (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Resident Experiences of Person-Centred Care at Mealtimes in Long-Term Residential Care: A Rapid Ethnography
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Megan Davies, PhD (she/her/hers) – Medical Faculty, University of Basel
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Essential Capabilities for Managing the Long-Term Care Workforce: Evidence From an International Scoping Review
    Location: Room 417
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Measuring and Implementing Person-Centered, Residential Long-Term Care: Brazilian Context
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Patrick Alexander Wachholz, Md, PhD (he/him/his) – Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - State-Level Initiatives for Direct Care Workers
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bailee Brekke (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Strategies for Maintaining Fidelity and Sustainability in Evidence-Based Program Delivery
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kate Gordon, MSW (she/her/hers) – Splaine Consulting
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - The Moving Forward Nursing Home Coalition: A Call to Action to Support Nursing Home Reform
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alice Bonner, PhD, RN, FAAN (she/her/hers) – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Creating a Unified National Structure for Savvy's Dissemination and Sustainability
    Location: Room 123
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Examining the Use and Impact of Contract Certified Nursing Assistant Staffing in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 417
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kezia Scales, PhD (she/her/hers) – PHI
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Moving Forward Toward Deploying Health Information Technology in all US Nursing Facilities
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Gregory L. Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FIAHSI – Columbia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Strategies Used by Ohio's Nursing Homes to Retain Certified Nursing Assistants: Do They Work?
    Location: Room 113
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian Matt Nelson, MGS (he/him/his) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older People in Six Developing Countries
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jing Wang, PhD, RN, FAAN – University of New Hampshire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Assessing Caregiving Support Networks for Persons With Dementia in a Long-Term Care Context in China and the US
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hanzhang Xu, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Duke University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Associations Between Reversed Childhood Experience and Late-Life Cognitive Impairment: The Case in China
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Yalu Zhang, PhD – Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - NIMHD Investments in Research on Older Adults Experiencing Health Disparities: 2018–2022
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Aaron M. Ogletree, PhD (he/him/his) – National Institutes of Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Paradoxical Findings and Other Surprises in Providing Street Medicine to Unsheltered Homeless Older Adults
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Alexis M. Coulourides Kogan, PhD, MSG (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - A Point of No Return: A Qualitative Analysis on Return Migration and Aging of Japanese Individuals Living in New York
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Itsuko K. Toyama, PhD (she/her/hers) – St. Andrew's University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Extreme Heat Vulnerability Among Older Adults: A Multilevel Risk Index for Portland, Oregon
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Jacklyn N. Kohon, PhD (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Older Adult Falls in the Community: Does Unsafe Home Environment Have a Risk Role?
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Debasree Das Gupta, PhD – Utah State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Racial and Nativity Differences in Adversity Profiles Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Man Guo, PhD, FGSA – University of Iowa
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Differences in Medicare Resource Use by English Proficiency
    Location: Room 120
    First Author: Lilly Estenson, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics Associations With Visceral Fat
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Shawna Follis, PhD, MS (she/her/hers) – Stanford University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Race/Ethnicity Disparity for People With LTSS Needs in California: Disability, Finance, and Health and Well-Being
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Lei Chen, PhD (she/her/hers) – UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Study
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    An International Perspective on Optimizing Function and Activity in Geriatric Clients Across All Sites of Care
    Location: Room 115
    Chair: Sandra Zwakhalen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Maastricht University
    Co-Chair: Silke Metzelthin, PhD (she/her/hers) – Maastricht University, Care and Public Health Research Institute
    Discussant: Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stan Vluggen, PhD – Zuyd Hogeschool University of Applied Sciences
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Silke Metzelthin, PhD (she/her/hers) – Maastricht University, Care and Public Health Research Institute
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, FGSA – University of Maryland School of Nursing
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Maud Graff, PhD (she/her/hers) – Radboud University Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Connecting Communities: Roles of Aging Attitudes, Place Attachment, and Psychological Well-Being
    Location: Room 307
    Chair: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Co-Chair: Li-Fan Liu, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) – National Cheng Kung University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hao-Min Chen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Texas A&M University-Central Texas
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Zhixuan Lin (she/her/hers) – The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Innovative Volunteer Programs to Support Family Caregivers and Persons Living With Dementia
    Location: Room 117
    Chair: Noelle L. Fields, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Co-Chair: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Discussant: Allison Gibson, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ishan C. Williams, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Virginia
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jinyu Liu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Baylor University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Noelle L. Fields, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Long-Term Care (SRPP Papers) I
    Location: Room 121
    Paper Session Chair: Caroline Madrigal, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – VA Boston Healthcare System
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Older Adults With Experiences of Homelessness
    Location: Room 411
    Chair: Kelly A. Melekis, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Vermont
    Discussant: Kelly A. Melekis, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Vermont
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Arden ODonnell, MPH, LICSW, APHSW-C (she/her/hers) – Boston University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: M. Pilar Ingle, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Denver
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian M. Johnson, LCSW, PhD (he/they) – University of Texas- San Antonio
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Namrata Mukherjee, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Francine Bench Jensen, PhD, MSN (she/her/hers) – Utah Valley University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Policies to Outcomes: Multilevel Considerations for the Assisted Living Workforce
    Location: Room 111
    Chair: Sarah Dys, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Co-Chair: Cassandra L. Hua, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Discussant: Kezia Scales, PhD (she/her/hers) – PHI
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Katherine A. Kennedy, MSG, PhD, LNHA (she/her/hers) – Providence VA Medical Center, Center for Innovation in Long-term Services and Supports
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dys, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cassandra L. Hua, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lea Efird-Green, MSW, MPA (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    RISE: A Community-Based Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Response Intervention Addressing a Critical Systems Gap
    Location: Room 123
    Chair: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Discussant: Karl Pillemer, PhD – Cornell University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stuart Lewis, MD – Dartmouth College
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Andie MacNeil, MA, MSW – University of Toronto
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: M.T. Connolly, JD (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    The Essential Role of Paid Caregivers in Home-Based Dementia Care
    Location: Room 413
    Chair: Jennifer Reckrey, MD (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Reckrey, MD (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Chanee D. Fabius, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Zainab Toteh Osakwe, PhD, RN, NP (she/her/hers) – Adelphi University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Deborah Watman, MPH (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emma Quach, PhD (she/they) – VA Bedford Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research; New England Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    The Landscape and Outlook for Continued Work Later in Life in the 2020s
    Location: Room 122
    Chair: Kevin E. Cahill, PhD – Boston College
    Co-Chair: Benjamin Shaw, PhD, MPH (he/him/his) – University of Illinois - Chicago
    Discussant: Brian Beach, DPhil – University College London
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kevin E. Cahill, PhD – Boston College
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Loretta G. Platts, PhD – Stockholm University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Siavash Radpour, PhD (he/him/his) – Stockton University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heng Wu, PhD – Dalhousie University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    The NIH Stage Model and Study Examples of Early Stages in Dementia Care Intervention Development Research
    Location: Room 116
    Chair: Debra Dobbs, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Discussant: Hongdao Meng, MD, PhD, FGSA – University of South Florida
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Debra Dobbs, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Othelia Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jung Kwak, PhD, FGSA, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Austin
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karen O. Moss, PhD, RN, CNL (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - An Educational Program in Assisted Living to Increase Staff Self-Efficacy in Provision of Dementia Palliative Care
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Debra Dobbs, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Assisted Living Direct Care Workforce Training Requirements by License Type
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lindsey Smith, PhD, MPP (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Effectiveness of the "SELF-Program" in Dutch Nursing Home Care: Results of a Multicenter Cluster-Randomized Trial
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stan Vluggen, PhD – Zuyd Hogeschool University of Applied Sciences
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Emerging Palliative Care Interventions for Homeless Adults in 10 US Cities
    Location: Room 411
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Arden ODonnell, MPH, LICSW, APHSW-C (she/her/hers) – Boston University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Engagement or Enjoyment? Attitudes of Older Adults in Group Lunch Versus. Lifelong Learning Programs
    Location: Room 307
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Su-I Hou, DrPH, CPH, MCHES, RN, CDP, FACHE, FGSA (she/her/hers) – School of Global Health Management & Informatics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Examining the Preliminary Effectiveness of the Senior Companion Program Plus for African American Caregivers
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - How Much Is Workplace Flexibility Worth to Older Workers? An Analysis of Monetary and Nonmonetary Trade-Offs
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kevin E. Cahill, PhD – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - RISE: A Conceptual Model of Integrated and Restorative Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Intervention
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - The Role of Dementia and Serious Illness in Receipt of Paid Care
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Reckrey, MD (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - "Caregiving Is Teamwork..." Information Sharing in Home Care for Older Adults With Disabilities in the Community
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Chanee D. Fabius, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - A Systematic Review on Aging in the Community and Culture Among Chinese Older Adults
    Location: Room 307
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hao-Min Chen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Texas A&M University-Central Texas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - “An Inhumane Lack of Resources”: Perspectives on Palliative and Hospice Care for Unhoused Older Adults
    Location: Room 411
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: M. Pilar Ingle, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Denver
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Analysis of Ohio's Assisted Living Direct Care Workforce
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Katherine A. Kennedy, MSG, PhD, LNHA (she/her/hers) – Providence VA Medical Center, Center for Innovation in Long-term Services and Supports
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Effect of RISE on Repeat Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Investigations by Adult Protective Services
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Stuart Lewis, MD – Dartmouth College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Effects of Companion Robots on Depression and Social Isolation Among Korean American Older Adults
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Othelia Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Increasing Activity-Stimulating Behavior in Dutch Home Care: Feasibility of the SELF-Program
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Silke Metzelthin, PhD (she/her/hers) – Maastricht University, Care and Public Health Research Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Postpensionable Age as a Distinct Career Stage
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Loretta G. Platts, PhD – Stockholm University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - The Faith Care Family Project: A Pilot Study Protocol
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ishan C. Williams, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Virginia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - A Qualitative Evaluation of RISE From the Perspective of Adult Protective Services Caseworkers
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Co-Designing a Stage 1b Feasibility Study of Inpatient Palliative Community Health Worker Support
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jung Kwak, PhD, FGSA, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Austin
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Older Workers' Labor Market and Retirement Decisions
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Siavash Radpour, PhD (he/him/his) – Stockton University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Function-Focused Care for Acute Care Using the Evidence Integration Triangle: Impact of Patient Care Activities
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, FGSA – University of Maryland School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Launching the Porchlight Project
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Opportunities and Barriers in Integrating Palliative Care Services Into Permanent Supportive Housing
    Location: Room 411
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian M. Johnson, LCSW, PhD (he/they) – University of Texas- San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Perceptions of Home Health Aides (HHA) Caring for Persons Living With Dementia (PLWD) about adoption of Telehealth
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Zainab Toteh Osakwe, PhD, RN, NP (she/her/hers) – Adelphi University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - The Mediating Effect of Place Attachment on Attitude Toward Aging and Psychological Well-Being
    Location: Room 307
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Trends in Community-Based Care Staffing Levels in Oregon: Differences by Facility Characteristics
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sarah Dys, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Portland State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - A Diverse Life Is a Better Life? The Association Between Activity Diversity and Psychological Well-Being in Hong Kong
    Location: Room 307
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Zhixuan Lin (she/her/hers) – The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - A Pilot Study of a Peer Mentoring Support Intervention for Chinese American Dementia Caregivers
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jinyu Liu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Baylor University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Barriers and Facilitators in Using the e-PainSupport Intervention for ADRD Patients and Caregivers
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Behavioral Changes of Nursing Staff After a Coaching-Based Psychosocial Program Supporting Self-Direction in PLWD
    Location: Room 115
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Maud Graff, PhD (she/her/hers) – Radboud University Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Interrogating the Skilled Nursing Stays of Homeless and Seriously Ill Older Adults
    Location: Room 411
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Namrata Mukherjee, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - "It Shouldn't Be Like This": Family Caregivers Navigating Insurance for Family Members With Dementia
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Deborah Watman, MPH (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Staffing Levels and Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits in Ohio
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cassandra L. Hua, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - The Effect of Income Security in Old Age on Health Outcomes: A Comparison Between China and the US
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heng Wu, PhD – Dalhousie University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Using a “Teaming” (Enhanced Social Support) Approach in the Context of the RISE Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Intervention
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Andie MacNeil, MA, MSW – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Intergenerational Reminiscence and Digital Storytelling: Exploring the Experience of College Student Volunteers
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Noelle L. Fields, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Paid Caregivers Provide Social Support to Family Caregivers of Older Adults With Dementia
    Location: Room 413
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emma Quach, PhD (she/they) – VA Bedford Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research; New England Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Peer Support for Caregivers of African Americans Living With Dementia: A Phase 1 Behavioral Intervention Protocol
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karen O. Moss, PhD, RN, CNL (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Stress and Coping Among Nursing Assistants and Personal Care Aides in Long-Term Care
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lea Efird-Green, MSW, MPA (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - The Impact of Informal Care on Formal Care Utilization among Elderly Americans
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Yemiao Ke, MS (she/her/hers) – Stony Brook University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Using Photovoice to Understand Social Model Hospice From Residents' Perspectives
    Location: Room 411
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Francine Bench Jensen, PhD, MSN (she/her/hers) – Utah Valley University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Using RISE in Cases Diverting Defendants in Elder Abuse Scenarios Out of the Criminal System and Into Treatment
    Location: Room 123
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: M.T. Connolly, JD (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Nursing Home Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Kelly L. Hughes, BA – RTI International
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Promises and Challenges of Implementing Telehealth in LTC Facilities: Lessons from a Multisite Pilot Project
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Mengzhao Yan, MA (he/him/his) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - A Spotlight on Adaptation: Preimplementation of Montessori-Based Approaches in VA Long-Term Care
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Caroline Madrigal, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – VA Boston Healthcare System
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Financial Outcomes Associated with COVID-19 in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Gregory N. Orewa, MSc, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Texas, San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Comparing COVID-19 Cases and Mortality Rates: The Green House Versus the Traditional Nursing Home in the United States
    Location: Room 121
    First Author: Yuchi Young, DrPH – University at Albany
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    East Meets West: Innovative Approaches to Gerontology Education and Training
    Location: Room 107
    Chair: Megumi Inoue, PhD (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Co-Chair: Takashi Amano, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – Rutgers University
    Discussant: Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Katsuya Iijima, MD/PhD (he/him/his) – The University of Tokyo
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Noriko Tsukada, PhD, MGS (she/her/hers) – Nihon University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Takashi Yamashita, PhD – University of Maryland, Baltimore County
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Michelle D. Hand, PhD (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Gero-Education in Japan: Community Re-Designing to Achieve Healthy Aging and Well-Being
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Katsuya Iijima, MD/PhD (he/him/his) – The University of Tokyo
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - Expanding Educational Opportunities in Gerontology in Japan
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Noriko Tsukada, PhD, MGS (she/her/hers) – Nihon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - Development of an International Gerontology Education Course Between the US and Japan
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Takashi Yamashita, PhD – University of Maryland, Baltimore County
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - Intergenerational Learning to Addressing Ageism in Higher Education: Scoping Review Findings
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Michelle D. Hand, PhD (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Cognition (SRPP)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Family Caregiving (SRPP Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Health Behavior Change
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Long-Term Care (SRPP Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Social Services: Policy, Financing, and Delivery Systems (Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    218 - A Systematic Review of Effective Strategies or Interventions to Support Driving Cessation Among Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 218
    First Author: Anne E. Dickerson, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, FGSA – East Carolina University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    219 - Projection of Medicaid Spending on People With Alzheimer's Disease and Other Related Dementias
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 219
    First Author: Howard B. Degenholtz, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    220 - Housing Concerns and Trajectories of Kinless Older Adults With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 220
    First Author: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    221 - Prevalence of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in Public Senior Housings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 221
    First Author: Soobin Park, MA in Social Welfare – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    222 - Dual Sensory Loss and Cognitive Test Performance in Older Adults in India
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 222
    First Author: Ethan B. Wang (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    223 - Including People with Cognitive Impairment in Health Services Research: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 223
    First Author: Kristi Fuller, MSW (she/her/hers) – Georgia State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    224 - SoCal Savvy Caregiver: Focus Group Insights
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 224
    First Author: Iris Aguilar, DPPD (she/her/hers) – Florida International University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    225 - PPA Tele-Savvy: Results of an Online Pilot Intervention With Caregivers of Persons With Primary Progressive Aphasia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 225
    First Author: Darby J. Morhardt, PhD, LCSW – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    226 - CONTACT: An Online Coaching Tool to Empower Care Partners to Facilitate Conversations in Nursing Homes
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 226
    First Author: Gail L. Towsley, PhD, NHA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    227 - Conducting a Countywide Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Caregiver Landscape Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 227
    First Author: D'Artagnan M. Robinson, MPH, PhD(c) (he/him/his) – Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    229 - Perceptions and Experiences of Family Caregivers of Older First-Generation Chinese Americans With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 229
    First Author: Erh-Chi Hsu, MPH, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    230 - Family Caregivers at Work: The Relationship Between Work Productivity Loss and Workplace Supportive Measures
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 230
    First Author: Mary Milnamow, MSS – University at Buffalo - SUNY
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    231 - Informal Caregiving Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities for an Age-Friendly University
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 231
    First Author: Melissa L. Cannon, PhD (she/her/hers) – Western Oregon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    232 - Caregiving Public Health Surveillance: Expert-Guided Collaboration for BRFSS Module Revision
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 232
    First Author: John Shean, MPH (he/him/his) – Alzheimer's Association
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    233 - Family Involvement in British Columbia LTC Facilities During a Pandemic: The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 233
    First Author: Tracy Christianson, DHEd – Thompson Rivers University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    234 - The Role of Trust for Demographic Variability in Vaccine Hesitancy and Behaviors Among Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 234
    First Author: Andrea Huseth-Zosel, PhD, CPH (she/her/hers) – North Dakota State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    235 - Fit and Strong! in Illinois: Lessons Learned
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 235
    First Author: Susan Hughes, PhD – University of Illinois Chicago
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    236 - The Relationships Among Volunteering, Everyday Discrimination, and Life Satisfaction in Two Age Groups
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 236
    First Author: Huei-wern Shen, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas: Denton
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    237 - “There’s a Lot of Factors”: Utilizing I-Poetry to Understand Vaccine-Hesitant Decision Making
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 237
    First Author: Bryce A. Van Vleet, MS (he/him/theirs) – North Dakota State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    238 - Comparison of Sedentary Behavior Guidelines for Older Adults: A Review of Literature and Quality Appraisal
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 238
    First Author: Amy Huang, BHSc (Honours) (she/her/hers) – McMaster University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    239 - Promoting Co-Worker Relationships in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 239
    First Author: Kirsty Jayne Haunch, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Leeds
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    240 - Racial and Ethnic Differences Hospital Discharge Dispositions for Older Adults: A Public Policy Perspective
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 240
    First Author: Sunny Kang, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    241 - Medicaid Adult Day Service Centers Staffing and Service Differences by Profit Status
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 241
    First Author: Eleanor Batista-Malat, BA (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    242 - Identifying Efforts and Challenges of Marketing the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Home Program
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 242
    First Author: Leah M. Haverhals, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Department of Veterans Affairs Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    243 - Seeking Answers for Uncertainties: Gathering and Organizing Care Home Uncertainties: The SEARCH U Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 243
    First Author: Reena Devi, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Leeds
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    244 - Science and Care Partnerships: The Role of the Scientific Linking Pin Researcher
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 244
    First Author: Reena Devi, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Leeds
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    245 - Factors Associated With Service Utilization Among Older Adults With Functional or Cognitive Impairment
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 245
    First Author: Yeon Jin Choi, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Kentucky
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    246 - An Unequal Work Environment: Nursing Home Staff Perceptions of Unit Organizational Context
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 246
    First Author: Alba Iaconi, PhD – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    247 - Long-Term Care Concerns Among Childless or Single Caregivers to People Living With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 247
    First Author: Elyse Couch, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    248 - Perceived Work Environment and Outcomes Among Care Staff in Long-Term Care Settings During COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 248
    First Author: Eunhee Cho, PhD, GNP-BC, RN, FAAN – Yonsei University College of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    249 - Resilience and Vulnerability in Geriatric Medical Centers During an Ongoing Health Crisis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 249
    First Author: Rinat Lifshitz, PhD – The Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    250 - Don’t Say Gay: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion on Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities’ Webpages
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 250
    First Author: Julie Maier, PhD (she/her/hers) – Indiana University-Bloomington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    251 - Learning From the Implementation of Integrated Community-Based Programs for Older Adults With Higher Needs
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 251
    First Author: Bobbi Symes, MA – United Way British Columbia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    252 - Advocating for Engineering Solutions to Improve Older Adult Driving Longevity
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 252
    First Author: Anne E. Dickerson, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, FGSA – East Carolina University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    253 - When Policy Intentions Go Astray: The Deployment of Home Care and Home Support Market Tools in France and Quebec.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 253
    First Author: Patrik Marier, PhD – Concordia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    254 - Efficacy of a Home-Based Exercise Program "Senior Fit" for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 254
    First Author: Kate Hyun, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    255 - Assessing the Needs of Older Adults in Rural West Texas
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 255
    First Author: Suzie Macaluso, PhD (she/her/hers) – Abilene Christian University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    262 - On the frontlines: Training a dementia caregiving workforce in California
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 262
    First Author: Brittney Pond, PhD(C) (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Francisco
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    264 - Relationships Between Distress and Neighborhood Characteristics for Mexican American Caregivers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 264
    First Author: Florence U. Johnson, PhD, MHA, RN, CDP – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    265 - Racial Representativeness and Affordable Housing Disparities: A National Study of Nursing Assistants
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 265
    First Author: Sarah D. Holmes, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    273 - Missing in Action: Strategies for Demonstrating Organizational Communication in Nursing Homes
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 273
    First Author: Patsy R. Smith, PhD, RN, CNE (she/her/hers) – Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    281 - Mental Health and Caregiving Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Perceived Overall Health among ADRD Care Partners
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 281
    First Author: Scott E. Wilks, PhD (he/him/his) – Louisiana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    293 - Longitudinal Change In Performance On The Montreal Cognitive Assessment In The People With Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 293
    First Author: Kuan-Ching Wu, BSN, RN (she/her/hers) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    298 - Job Expectations vs. Reality: Workplace Experiences from the Nursing Home Frontlines
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 298
    First Author: Vivian J. Miller, PhD (she/her/hers) – Bowling Green State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    300 - Quality of Long-Term Care Facilities and COVID-19 Outcomes: A Systematic Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 300
    First Author: Xiaochuan Wang, PhD, MSW – University of Central Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    301 - Recruitment Lessons Learned From A Randomized Psychoeducational Trial For Dementia Family Caregivers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 301
    First Author: Maria P. Aranda, PhD, MSW, MPA, LCSW (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    303 - Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Social Isolation and 11-Year Dementia Risk Among Older Adults in the United States
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 303
    First Author: Jason Rafael Grullon, BA – SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    311 - Predictors of Financial Burden in Two Samples of Adults With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 311
    First Author: Jordana L. Clayton, BA (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    318 - Teleworking to Support Accommodation, Inclusion, and Health of Older Workers: Issues Faced by Managers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 318
    First Author: Alexandra Lecours, O.T., PhD (she/her/hers) – Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    330 - Person-First Language for Older Adults Incarcerated in Prison: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 330
    First Author: Kristin Merss, BSN, RN – University of Wisconsin - Madison, School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    333 - Perceptions of the role played by living alone in providing services to patients with cognitive impairment in the US
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 333
    First Author: Elena Portacolone, PhD MBA MPH (she/her/hers) – University of California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    340 - Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression among Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 340
    First Author: Alisha R. Thompson, MSW (she/her/hers) – Louisiana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    341 - Neighborhood Environment and Depressive Symptoms of Older Adults in Urban and Rural China:A Model of Social Capital
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 341
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    344 - Kinlessness, race, and quality of care at the end of life: Findings from National Health and Aging Trends Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 344
    First Author: Yaolin Pei, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    348 - Navigating Careworker Curriculum Revision in South Korea: Charting Courses for Elevating Practice Competencies
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 348
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    353 - Organizational Communication Strategies in Nursing Homes: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 353
    First Author: Julie A. Gordon, DrPH, CPHQ (she/her/hers) – Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    384 - PACE and FFS Medicare Outcomes Before and During COVID-19: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 384
    First Author: Morgan Perry, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    386 - Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly Organizations Flip the Script in Response to COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 386
    First Author: Morgan Perry, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    388 - Post COVID-19 Pandemic Employment Recovery by Healthcare Sector in US Racial Majority-Minority Counties
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 388
    First Author: Lucille Xiang, BSc, MPH (she/her/hers) – American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    389 - Implementation & Sustainability of AgeTech to Support Aging in Place: Practical Recommendations for Policymakers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 389
    First Author: Heather McNeil, PhD (she/her/hers) – National Research Council
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    398 - Real experience of front-line nursing home staff during COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-synthesis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 398
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Friday, Nov 10th
    7:30 PM – 8:00 PM ET
    3 - Terrie Fox Wetle Award Lecture: How Medicare Advantage is Shaping the Care of Older Adults with Serious Illness
    Location: Ballroom A
    Award Lecturer: Claire K. Ankuda, MD, MPH, MSc (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Presidential Symposium: Impact of Discriminatory Policies on LGBTQ+ Older Adults’ Health and Well-Being and How to Combat Them
    Location: Florida Ballroom IV Marriott
    Chair: Jung Kwak, PhD, FGSA, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Austin
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Em Balkan, MSW (they/them/theirs) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, LALD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nik M. Lampe, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Receipt of Gender-Affirming Surgery Among Medicare Beneficiaries
    Location: Florida Ballroom IV Marriott
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Em Balkan, MSW (they/them/theirs) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - LGBTQ Aging Paradox: Needing While Avoiding Long-Term Services and Supports
    Location: Florida Ballroom IV Marriott
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, LALD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Faith, Social Support, and End-of-Life Care Preparation Among LGBTQ+ Older Adults
    Location: Florida Ballroom IV Marriott
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nik M. Lampe, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Civic Engagement
    Location: Room 411
    Paper Session Chair: Cheryl Chui, PhD – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Finding Common Ground: Improving Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Adult Maltreatment Research
    Location: Room 122
    Chair: Marguerite DeLiema, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Discussant: Kathleen H. Wilber, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE – University of South California
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Pi-Ju Liu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Purdue University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Courtney Reynolds, MA, MSSA, LSW (she/her/hers) – Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Marguerite DeLiema, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Flash Poster Session: Ageism, Health Disparities, and Dementia
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Long-Term Care (SRPP Papers) II
    Location: Room 116
    Paper Session Chair: Gregory N. Orewa, MSc, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Texas, San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Minority and Diverse Populations (Papers) II
    Location: Room 105
    Paper Session Chair: Vanessa Fabbre, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Policy Series: Public Health and Aging Policy: Experience of 2023 GSA Summer Policy Interns
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Patricia M. D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP (she/her/hers) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Discussant: Brian W. Lindberg, MMHS (he/him/his) – The Gerontological Society of America
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alisha R. Thompson, MSW (she/her/hers) – Louisiana State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bailee Brekke (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christina X. Mu, BA (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Pragmatic Implementation of an Advance Care Planning Intervention: Findings From SHARING Choices
    Location: Room 112
    Chair: Daniel L. Scerpella, MPH – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Co-Chair: Jennifer Wolff, PhD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Discussant: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Wolff, PhD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Valerie T. Cotter, DrNP, FAANP, FAAN – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kelly M. Smith, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Toronto
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Martha Abshire Saylor, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Research on Support for Elder Care in Different Cultures and Settings
    Location: Room 305
    Chair: Lin Jiang, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Discussant: Ning Jackie Zhang, MD, PhD, MPH (he/him/his) – GVSU
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lin Jiang, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Xia Li, PhD, MD – Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hong Mi, PhD (he/him/his) – Zhejiang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Research to Strengthen, Innovate, and Transform Age-Friendly Community Practice
    Location: Room 117
    Chair: Kathy Black, PhD, MPH, FGSA – University of South Florida,Sarasota-Manatee
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kathy Black, PhD, MPH, FGSA – University of South Florida,Sarasota-Manatee
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Shayna Gleason, M.S. (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts, Boston Gerontology
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Adriana Hernandez (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    Strengthening Caregiving Networks: Promising Practices to Support Paid and Family Care Teams in the Home
    Location: Room 111
    Discussant: Katherine Ornstein, PhD – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jessica King, PhD (she/her/hers) – PHI
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nathan Boucher, DrPH, PA, MS, MPA, CPHQ (he/him/his) – Veterans Health Administration
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Reckrey, MD (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Enhancing Collaboration From Adult Protective Services to Providers Working With Mistreatment Victims/Survivors
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Pi-Ju Liu, PhD (she/her/hers) – Purdue University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Exploring Sectoral Reach in Age-Friendly Communities
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kathy Black, PhD, MPH, FGSA – University of South Florida,Sarasota-Manatee
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Inside PAHPA: A GSA Policy Intern's Journey to the Intersection of Policy and Preparedness
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alisha R. Thompson, MSW (she/her/hers) – Louisiana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Intersection of Race and Place-Based Disparities Among 65+ in Mississippi
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 1
    Flash Presenter: Taylor Jansen, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Mental Health and Technology Utilization Among Mexican American Informal Caregivers for Patients With ADRD
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lin Jiang, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Preliminary Findings of the Sharing Choices Intervention on Primary Outcome Measures
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Wolff, PhD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - The Effect of Patient-Driven Payment Model Reimbursement Policy Change on Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Gregory N. Orewa, MSc, MBA, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Texas, San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Through Their Lens: A Photovoice Study of Older Adults’ Experiences of Accessibility and Aging in Community
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Yeonjung Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – Chung-Ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Visualizing Veterans' Care: Understanding the Breadth of Older Veterans' Paid and Family Support Networks
    Location: Room 111
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - A Researcher–Practitioner Collaboration on Measuring Success in Elder Mistreatment Intervention
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: David Burnes, PhD – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Alzheimer’s Disease and Opportunity for Policy Change
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bailee Brekke (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Asset-Based Community Development for Dementia-Friendly Communities (ABCD for DFC): A Pilot Project in Hong Kong
    Location: Room 411
    First Author: Cheryl Chui, PhD – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Dementia-Focused Adult Day Care in an Urban Setting: Program Stakeholders' Views of Crucial Components
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 2
    Flash Presenter: Joy S. Ernst, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Partnering to Improve Care: Strengthening the Family Caregiver and Home Care Worker Relationship
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jessica King, PhD (she/her/hers) – PHI
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Public Sector Involvement in Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: A Scoping Review
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Emily A. Greenfield, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Revisiting the Teaching Nursing Home: Pragmatic Evaluation in a Real-World Setting
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Howard B. Degenholtz, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Patients With Dementia: A Psychoeducational Model in Shanghai
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Xia Li, PhD, MD – Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Using Simulation to Assess the Fidelity of Advance Care Planning in the Context of a Pragmatic Trial
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Valerie T. Cotter, DrNP, FAANP, FAAN – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - A Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Technology Interventions for People With Dementia and Informal Caregivers
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Alternative Paths to an Age-Friendly Community
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Shayna Gleason, M.S. (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts, Boston Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Depiction of Older Adults in an International Pacific Ring Student Competition on Older Adult Care
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 3
    Flash Presenter: Jonathan Guillemot, MA, MSc, PhD (he/him/his) – Universidad San Francisco de Quito
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Feasibility of a Community-Based Navigator Support Program for Care Partners of Seriously Ill Veterans
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nathan Boucher, DrPH, PA, MS, MPA, CPHQ (he/him/his) – Veterans Health Administration
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - From Comfort to Profitability: Relationship Between Care Quality and Financial Performance in US Hospices
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Ganisher Davlyatov, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Health Equity, Intersectionality, and Climate Change: Public Health Considerations for Research
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christina X. Mu, BA (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Partnering to Address Adult Maltreatment: Hard-Earned Lessons and Wisdom Gained by Applied Researchers
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Courtney Reynolds, MA, MSSA, LSW (she/her/hers) – Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Pragmatic Implementation of an Advance Care Planning Initiative: Moving Knowledge Into Action
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kelly M. Smith, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - The Urban Aging Resident’s Coalition: A Case Study in Late-Adulthood Community Activism
    Location: Room 411
    First Author: Kathy D. Wright, PhD, RN, CNS (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - “Our Nation's Democracy Is at a Critical Crossroad”: Older Adults Taking Action and Leading Community Engagement
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tam E. Perry, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Corporate Perspectives of a National Nursing Home Pragmatic Trial and Factors Affecting Implementation Fidelity
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Jacy A. Weems, MPH (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - How Organizations Can Address Ageism as Part of Their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives and Programs
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 4
    Flash Presenter: Sasha Perez, MPH (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Multilevel Perceptions of Implementing SHARING CHOICES: A Qualitative Study
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Martha Abshire Saylor, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Pattern Recognition and Innovation of Home-Based Care in China: From the Perspective of Multinational Comparison
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Hong Mi, PhD (he/him/his) – Zhejiang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - So Many Stakeholders, So Many Contracts!
    Location: Room 122
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Marguerite DeLiema, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - The Need for Family-Centered Home Care in Home-Based Dementia Care
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Reckrey, MD (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Advancing Aging Equity Among Older Bostonians
    Location: Room 117
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Adriana Hernandez (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Dual Sensory Loss and Cognitive Test Performance in Older Adults in India
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 5
    Flash Presenter: Ethan B. Wang (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Promoting mental health literacy among older adults in the East: An integrative framework
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Jessie Ho-Yin Yau, BSc, MPhil (she/her/hers) – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    6 - Prevalence of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in Public Senior Housings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 6
    Flash Presenter: Soobin Park, MA in Social Welfare – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - How Do Older Adults Cope With Intersectional Experiences of Ageism and Racism?
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Andrew Steward, PhD, LCSW (he/him/his) – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    1 - Volunteering and Changes in Cardiovascular Biomarkers: Longitudinal Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study
    Location: Room 411
    First Author: Seoyoun Kim, PhD (she/her/hers) – Texas State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    2 - Disparities in Election, Access, and Outcomes in Medicare End-of-Life Care: A National Study
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Thomas Christian, PhD – Abt Associates
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    3 - Implicit and Explicit Spirituality in the Lives of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Older Adults
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Vanessa Fabbre, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    4 - Diminished Returns of Parental Education on Cognition: Evidence From Three Population Studies in the US
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Addam S. Reynolds, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
    5 - Mapping Mental Health Pathways Among Bisexual Women, Men, and Nonbinary Individuals in Mid and Later Life
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Sarah Jen, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Kansas
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    East Meets West: Interventions, Practice Models, and Policies to Support Family Caregivers in Diverse Cultures
    Location: Room 107
    Chair: Fei Sun, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – Michigan State University
    Co-Chair: Juanjuan Sun, PhD – Institute of Gerontology
    Discussant: Tracie Culp Harrison, PhD, RN. FAAN, FGSA (she/her/hers) – The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Amanda T. Woodward, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christopher Johnson, PhD (he/him/his) – Texas State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan L. Ilardo, PhD, LMSW (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Yi-Chen Chiu, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Chang Gung University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    1 - Caregiver Well-Being Outcomes in a Stroke Transitions Trial: The Effects of Caregiver Burden and Preparation
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Amanda T. Woodward, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    2 - The Use of the “Time Travel” Paradigm of Alzheimer's Disease for Family Care Partner Empowerment
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Christopher Johnson, PhD (he/him/his) – Texas State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    3 - A Critical Examination of AAA Services and Supports for Caregivers in Michigan: Policy and Practice Implications
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan L. Ilardo, PhD, LMSW (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
    4 - The Effectiveness of a Case Management Program for Family Caregivers of Persons with MCI or Early Stage Dementia
    Location: Room 107
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Yi-Chen Chiu, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Chang Gung University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Adult Protection and Elder Abuse (Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Aging in Place (SRPP)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Care Values, Preferences, and Ethics
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    Technology (Posters)
    Location: Exhibit Hall West
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    1 - Perspectives on Technology Adoption Among Spanish-Speaking Hispanic Adults Age 60+
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 1
    First Author: Sheila A. Salinas Navarro, MPA, BSBA (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    2 - Experiences of Technology Use by Older Adults During COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 2
    First Author: Tina R. Kilaberia, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    3 - Design Needs and Perceptions of Older Adults Regarding Shared-Use Automated Vehicles
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 3
    First Author: Justin W. Lam (he/him/his) – Carnegie Mellon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    4 - Smart Music Intervention: Protocol Development of a Wearable Device for Collection of Physiological Data
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 4
    First Author: Emily S. Ihara, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    5 - The StrongerMemory Program: Exploring Cognitive Benefits and Fostering Community
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 5
    First Author: Catherine J. Tompkins, PhD, MSW, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – George Mason University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    6 - Volunteering, Discrimination, and Depression in Old Age: Does the Form of Discrimination Play a Role?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 6
    First Author: Huei-wern Shen, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas: Denton
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    7 - Intrinsic Capacity of Older Adults in Singapore Using WHO Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) Framework
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 7
    First Author: Carol Hok Ka Ma, PhD – Singapore University Of Social Sciences
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    8 - Predictors of Functional Ability Vary by Age
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 8
    First Author: Carly E. Pullen, M.A. (she/her/hers) – West Virginia University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    9 - The Impact of Closing Medicare Part D Coverage Gap on Mental Health of Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 9
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    10 - Gender-Specific Association Between Depression and Mortality in Korean Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 10
    First Author: Jungwon Cho, BSN, RN – Yonsei University College of Nursing
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    11 - Influence of Negative Attitudes Toward Volunteer Activities on Mental Health Status: The REPRINTS Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 11
    First Author: Yoshinori Fujiwara, MD, PhD – Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    12 - Relationship Between Social Problem-Solving Skills and Caregiver Burden Among Dementia Care Partners
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 12
    First Author: Chung Lin (Novelle) Kew, PhD, CRC (she/her/hers) – Texas A&M University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    13 - The Potential Benefits of Companion Robotic Pets on the Quality of Life Among Community-Dwelling Older Women
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 13
    First Author: Suk-Young Kang, PhD MSSW (he/him/his) – Binghamton University, State University of New York
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    14 - Intergenerational Reminiscence Program in Improving Generation Connections: A RADar Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 14
    First Author: Ling Xu, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    15 - Innovative Approaches to Mental Health Services for Diverse Community Older Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 15
    First Author: Tobi A. Abramson, PhD – NYC Department for the Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    16 - Effects of Civic Behavior and Depression Knowledge on Depression Stigma Among Older Chinese: A Path Analysis Model
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 16
    First Author: Jessie Ho-Yin Yau, BSc, MPhil (she/her/hers) – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    17 - Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan Characteristics on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes of MA beneficiaries
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 17
    First Author: Rashmita Basu, PhD – East Carolina University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    18 - Long-term Effects of Education on Late-life Depression of Rural Women in China
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 18
    First Author: Lynn Hu, n/a – Pardee RAND Graduate School
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    19 - Elder Abuse, Anxiety, and Social Support: Does Gender Matter?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 19
    First Author: Sukyung Yoon, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Wyoming
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    20 - A Lifespan Developmental Analysis of Reciprocal Relations Between Heavy Drinking and Sleep Problems
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 20
    First Author: Douglas Bowlby, MA – Rutgers University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    21 - Supporting Care Partners of People Living With Dementia: Exploring Changes in Policy and Practice
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 21
    First Author: Walter Dawson, DPhil, FGSA (he/him/his) – Oregon Health & Science University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    22 - Identifying the Patterns of Caregiving Demands: A Latent Class Analysis Approach
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 22
    First Author: Sunghyun Ko, MSW (he/him/his) – Chung-Ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    23 - Shared Experiences of Managing Heart Failure and Multimorbidity: A Qualitative Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 23
    First Author: Katie E. Nelson, PhD, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    24 - Person-Centered Care When Older Adults With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers Hold Different Care Priorities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 24
    First Author: Emma Quach, PhD (she/they) – VA Bedford Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research; New England Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC)
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    25 - Piloting Communication Tools to Enhance Resident/Family Engagement in Nursing Homes Care Conferences
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 25
    First Author: Jingxi Li, MSN (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    26 - Applying a Bill of Rights for People Under Guardianship in Rural Areas
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 26
    First Author: Pamela B. Teaster, PhD, M.A., M.S. (she/her/hers) – Center for Geronotology, Virginia Tech
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    27 - Relationship Between Social Isolation and Expectation for Permanent Living in a Marginalized Community in Japan.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 27
    First Author: Yuichi Watanabe, PhD (he/him/his) – Musashino University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    28 - Aging in Place in Japan: Challenges and Facilitators of Older-to-Older Caregiving
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 28
    First Author: Mineko Wada, PhD (she/her/hers) – Hiroshima University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    29 - Resilience in Japanese Older Immigrants and Roles of Community Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 29
    First Author: Mineko Wada, PhD (she/her/hers) – Hiroshima University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    30 - Health-Seeking Behavior of Community-Living Older Adults Relates to Awareness of Community Services
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 30
    First Author: Denise Connelly, PhD, PT – Western University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    31 - A Policy Comparison of the Evolution of Community-Based Long-Term Care Policy Between Taiwan and the United States
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 31
    First Author: Allie Peckham, MSW, PhD (she/her/hers) – Arizona State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    32 - Dementia-Focused Adult Day Care in an Urban Setting: Program Stakeholders' Views of Crucial Components
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 32
    First Author: Joy S. Ernst, PhD, MSW, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    33 - Development of Self-Assessment Tools for Organizations: Prevention and Delay of Disability Programs in Taiwan
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 33
    First Author: Wan-Yu Chiu, M.S. (she/her/hers) – National Taiwan University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    34 - Emergency Preparedness Among Clients of Older Americans Act Programs
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 34
    First Author: Joanne R. Campione, PhD, MSPH (she/her/hers) – Westat
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    35 - Persons Aging With a Physical Disability: Evaluating Participation Change Using a Tool for Community Care Providers
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 35
    First Author: Michelle M. Putnam, PhD, MGS (she/her/hers) – Simmons University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    36 - Helping Seniors Aging in Place: Adult Guardianship and its Role in Geriatric Social Work Practice in China and Japan
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 36
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    37 - Utilization of Community Care Service and Subjective Well-Being of Older People: Evidence from Weifang, China
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 37
    First Author: Yichao Li, Bachelor of Economics (he/him/his) – Zhejiang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    38 - Evaluation of the Impact of Community Care in Korea: Namyangju City's Four-Year Experience
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 38
    First Author: Mi Sun Choi, PhD (she/her/hers) – Silla University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    39 - US Hospital Infrastructure: Are Alzheimer’s Centers Prepared to Address Dementia Nationwide?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 39
    First Author: Angela Gutierrez, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Ohio University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    40 - A Model Accessory-Dwelling Unit Bylaw: Inclusive Zoning for All
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 40
    First Author: Travis M. Gagen, PhD, MPH (he/him/his) – Springfield College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    41 - Detecting Undue Harm Arising From Elder Abuse Screening: Innovative Methods From the EASI-ltc© Pilot Study
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 41
    First Author: Stephanie A. Ballard, MSc (she/her/hers) – Donald Berman Maimonides Centre for Research in Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    42 - I Wish I Was Dead: Health Consequences of Physically Traumatized Older Adults: A Qualitative Study in Southern Ghana
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 42
    First Author: Abigail Acheampomaa Appiah, Dip. BSc MPhil (she/her/hers) – Suntreso Government Hospital (Ghana Health Service
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    43 - Using Interpersonal Relationships and Social Network to Understand Elder Mistreatment Recurrence
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 43
    First Author: Wei- Lin Xue (she/her/hers) – Purdue University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    44 - “A Frail Little Thing, but She’s Wiley”: Police Brutality Meets Dementia: A Narrative Inquiry
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 44
    First Author: Kelly A. Marnfeldt, MSG (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    45 - A Study on Cooperation Between Community Comprehensive Support Centers and DV Support Agencies to Solve Elder Abuse
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 45
    First Author: Asako Katsumata, M.A – Japan Lutheran College Graduate School of Social Work
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    252 - The Impact of Workplace Demands and Resources on the Job Satisfaction of Minority and Immigrant CNAs
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 252
    First Author: Frances M. Hawes, PhD – University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    260 - Sustainability of Care Coordination for People with Dementia who Live Alone: Lessons from a Federal Grant Program
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 260
    First Author: Yoon Chung Kim, MHS, MS (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    264 - Social Isolation and Hospitalization in a National Sample of Community-dwelling Older Adults by Dementia Status
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 264
    First Author: Mary Louise Pomeroy, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    267 - Understanding "Communities" in Community-based Senior Housing Models: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 267
    First Author: Sojung Park, PhD – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    269 - Subsidized Senior Housing In The U.S.: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 269
    First Author: Sojung Park, PhD – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    274 - Using Health Information Exchange Data for Social Research: Challenges and Opportunities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 274
    First Author: Allen Glicksman, PhD FGSA – NewCourtland
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    278 - Spiritual Needs of Elderly in Chinese Faith-Based Nursing Home: Administrator Views
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 278
    First Author: Lin Jiang, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    281 - Stakeholder Insights: Standardizing End-of-Life Care Transitions for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 281
    First Author: Susanny Beltran, PhD, MSW – University of Central Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    286 - The Importance of Adequate Resources and Equipment to Staff Engagement in a Healthcare System
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 286
    First Author: Orah Burack, MS (she/her/hers) – The New Jewish Home Research Institute on Aging
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    288 - Successful Care Conferences: Nursing Home Staff, Persons with Dementia and Caregiver Perspectives
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 288
    First Author: Gail L. Towsley, PhD, NHA, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Utah
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    289 - The Volunteer Experience in the Faith Care Family Project for African American Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 289
    First Author: Noelle L. Fields, PhD, LCSW (she/her/hers) – The University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    297 - The Relationship between the Caregiving Environment, Burnout and Quality of Life among Home Health Aides
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 297
    First Author: Sehyun Baek, MA in Social Welfare (he/him/his) – Washington University in Saint Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    298 - The Influence of Spirituality and Religion on Nursing Home Social Workers Professional Identity and Resilience
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 298
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    302 - The Relationship Between Internet Use and Life Satisfaction in Later Life: A Focus on Third-Level Digital Divide
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 302
    First Author: Ern Chern Khor, MS (she/her/hers) – KAIST
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    308 - The social relationship of old adults according to the use of Assistive Appliances in South Korea.
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 308
    First Author: Yeojin Yoon, BSW (she/her/hers) – Chung-Ang Univercity
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    309 - What Do Nursing Homes Receiving High Complaints Got to Do With Residents’ Quality of Life?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 309
    First Author: Jenny Kwon, MS (she/her/hers) – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    312 - The “double jeopardy” of midlife and old age mortality trends in the United States
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 312
    First Author: Leah Abrams, PhD, MPH – Tufts University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    317 - The role of self-efficacy in advance care planning: Does race and ethnicity affect this relationship?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 317
    First Author: Jessica Yauk, MGS – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    321 - Risk and Protective Factors of Cognitive Functioning and Dementia: Comparing Mexican and non-Mexican Hispanics
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 321
    First Author: Nasim Ferdows, PhD – Northeastern University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    323 - The Evolution of Nursing Home Communication with Resident Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 323
    First Author: Courtney Hawes, BS (she/her/hers) – Brown University School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    324 - Voices of low-income Latino older adults: What are their perceived learning impediments?
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 324
    First Author: Tania M. Rodriguez, MA (she/her/hers) – University of California Riverside
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    325 - The Experiences of Older Adults in Haiti and the United States at the Onset of COVID-19
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 325
    First Author: Laurie Blackman, PhD, LMSW – Yeshiva University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    328 - Shaping COVID-19 Interventions that Address Social Barriers among Older Latinos in Assisted Living Facilities
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 328
    First Author: Isis O. Panellas, MSW (she/her/hers) – Florida International University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    355 - Successful Methods for Eliciting Views of Direct Care Workers Regarding Needs and Preferences of Home Care Clients
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 355
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    363 - State-Level Description of Medicaid Policy and Access to Licensed Assisted Living Care for Low-Income Adults
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 363
    First Author: Rachel Gunderson (she/her/hers) – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    370 - Stopping Older Person Gender-Based Violence in Women 55+ Through Promising Practices: A Scoping Review
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 370
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ET
    381 - Subjective Social Status and Depression Among Korean Older Adults: Formal Social Activities as Mediator
    Location: Exhibit Hall West: Poster Board 381
    First Author: Junmin Park, BSW (he/him/his) – Chung-Ang University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Economics of Aging
    Location: Room 309
    Paper Session Chair: Cynthia Chen, PhD – National University of Singapore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Exclusion From Multidimensional Civic Engagement of Diverse Older Adults: A Pan-European Perspective
    Location: Room 105
    Chair: Fredrica Nyqvist, PhD (she/her/hers) – Åbo Akademi University
    Discussant: Sarah Dury (she/her/hers) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Toon Vercauteren, MA (he/him/his) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bas Dikmans, MSc (he/him/his) – Vrije Universiteit Brussels
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Fredrica Nyqvist, PhD (she/her/hers) – Åbo Akademi University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sandra Torres, PhD (she/her/hers) – Uppsala University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Exploring the Utilization of Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Programs in Workforce Development
    Location: Room 124
    Chair: Sam Cotton, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Louisville
    Co-Chair: Anna Faul, PhD – University of Louisville
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anna Faul, PhD – University of Louisville
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Leland Waters, PhD (he/him/his) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Murphy, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas Health Science Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Flash Poster Session: Insights into Health Disparities, Caregiving, and Long-Term Care Challenges
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Longitudinal Changes in Well-Being Associated With Aging Attitude, Cognitive Status, and Widowhood Transition
    Location: Room 116
    Chair: Lydia Li, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rita X. Hu, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ji Hyun Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – Montana State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jay R. Kayser, MSW, LCSW (he/him/his) – University of Michigan
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lydia Li, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Policy Series: Are We There Yet? Measuring Progress in Achieving Policy Goals for Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Pamela Nadash, PhD, BPhil (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts Boston
    Discussant: Rani E. Snyder, MPA (she/her/hers) – The John A. Hartford Foundation
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Michael Wittke, BSW, MPA (he/him/his) – National Alliance for Caregiving
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Salom M. Teshale, PhD (she/her/hers) – The National Academy for State Health Policy
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eileen J. Tell, MPH – ET Consulting
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    Social Determinants of Health and Aging III
    Location: Room 112
    Paper Session Chair: Molly Nowels, MS, MA, PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – Rutgers School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    The Promise of Digital Inclusion for Older Adults: Building Bridges for Underserved Older Adults in Two States
    Location: Room 305
    Chair: Skye N. Leedahl, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Co-Chair: Kathleen H. Wilber, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE – University of South California
    Discussant: Namkee G. Choi, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of Texas
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Skye N. Leedahl, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cindy E. Tsotsoros, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eleanor Batista-Malat, BA (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Addressing the Challenges of MIPs Within the GWEP Program: A Call to Co-Create Meaningful Ways to Show Impact
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Anna Faul, PhD – University of Louisville
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Effects of Self-Perceptions of Aging on Cognitive Health: Mediating Role of Social Isolation and Loneliness
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rita X. Hu, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Multidimensional Civic Engagement of Older People: A Latent Class Analysis
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Toon Vercauteren, MA (he/him/his) – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Perceptions and Experiences of Family Caregivers of Older First-Generation Chinese Americans With Dementia
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 1
    Flash Presenter: Erh-Chi Hsu, MPH, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Predictors of Digital Competence Among Older Adults Interested in an Intergenerational Technology Program
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Skye N. Leedahl, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - The Role of the LTSS Scorecard in Promoting State Accountability for Caregiver Policy
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, MSN – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Behavioral Health Predictors of Premature Mortality in a Black American Longitudinal Cohort
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 2
    Flash Presenter: Kerry M. Green, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland at College Park
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Crossing the Digital Divide: Assessing Digital Readiness Among Underserved Older Adults
    Location: Room 305
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Exclusion From Civic Engagement in Two Disadvantaged Neighborhoods in Brussels, Belgium: A Life Course Perspective
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Bas Dikmans, MSc (he/him/his) – Vrije Universiteit Brussels
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Implementing a Stakeholder and Policy Map to Track Federal Caregiver Policy Activity
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Michael Wittke, BSW, MPA (he/him/his) – National Alliance for Caregiving
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Reporting Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Like Data in a Unique Age-Friendly Health Care Setting
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Leland Waters, PhD (he/him/his) – Virginia Commonwealth University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Before the Onset of Dementia: Examining Racial/Ethnic Disparities
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ji Hyun Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – Montana State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - An Unequal Work Environment: Nursing Home Staff Perceptions of Unit Organizational Context
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 3
    Flash Presenter: Alba Iaconi, PhD – University of Toronto
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - Changes in Tech Use Predicting Social Well-Being for Intergenerational Program Participants
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Cindy E. Tsotsoros, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Rhode Island
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - Does Social Capital Enhance Political Participation? A Multilevel Analysis of Younger and Older Adults in Europe
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Fredrica Nyqvist, PhD (she/her/hers) – Åbo Akademi University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - Linking Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Measures to Age-Friendly Health Systems
    Location: Room 124
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sara Murphy, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of North Texas Health Science Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - Lower Socioeconomic Status Predicts Negative Preferences for Palliative Care
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Molly Nowels, MS, MA, PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – Rutgers School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - The Impact of Changes in Cognitive Functioning on Social Isolation
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jay R. Kayser, MSW, LCSW (he/him/his) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - The National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers: A State-Level Perspective on Implementation
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Salom M. Teshale, PhD (she/her/hers) – The National Academy for State Health Policy
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Civic Engagement Among Older Migrants in Europe: Examples From Four European Countries
    Location: Room 105
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sandra Torres, PhD (she/her/hers) – Uppsala University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Dynamics of Psychological Well-Being Across the Transition to Widowhood
    Location: Room 116
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lydia Li, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Identifying Efforts and Challenges of Marketing the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Home Program
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 4
    Flash Presenter: Leah M. Haverhals, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Department of Veterans Affairs Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Lessons Learned From Digital Equality Research With Community Partners
    Location: Room 305
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eleanor Batista-Malat, BA (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - No Pension, No Happiness?—Financial Support Expectation in the Oldest-Old Age and Depressive Symptoms
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Chengming Han, Ph.D. candidate – Case Western Reserve University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Using the LTSS State Scorecard to Measure Progress on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Eileen J. Tell, MPH – ET Consulting
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    5 - Informal Caregiving Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities for an Age-Friendly University
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 5
    Flash Presenter: Melissa L. Cannon, PhD (she/her/hers) – Western Oregon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    6 - Underutilization of Hospice Care in Older Black Adults
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 6
    Flash Presenter: Channing E. Tate, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    7 - Fall Prevention Model at Local Non-Profit Equipment Exchange Program Utilizing the STEADI: a Compilation of Two Pilot Studies
    Location: Florida Ballroom V Mariott - 7
    Flash Presenter: Constance Lewis, PT, DPT, GCS (she/her/hers) – Gannon University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - Prevalence and Disparities of Very Low-Income Older Adult Renters in US Metropolitan Areas
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Anthony C. Traver, LCSW (he/him/his) – The Ohio State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    1 - The Burden of Cognitive Impairment
    Location: Room 309
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - Gendered Pathways to Financial Capability: Implications for Physical, Mental, and Financial Health in Later Life
    Location: Room 112
    First Author: Yu-Chih Chen, PhD (he/him/his) – The University of Hong Kong
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    2 - The Impact of a Nationwide Physical Activity Intervention for Diabetes and Hypertension Prevention
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Cynthia Chen, PhD – National University of Singapore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    3 - Resolution or Work Stress? Why Does Retirement Change Health Behavior?
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Colin McKenzie, PhD (he/him/his) – Keio University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    4 - Did Stronger State Age Discrimination Laws Reduce the Adverse Impacts of COVID-19 on Labor Outcomes of Older Workers?
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Truc Thi Mai Bui, MA (she/her/hers) – Tulane University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
    5 - Intergenerational Financial Transfer and Family Structure in India: Evidence from LASI, 2017–2018
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Varsha P. Nagargoje, M.Phil., MPS, MA, BA (she/her/hers) – International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    Emerging Technology-Based Interventions to Support Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 101
    Chair: Tiffany R. Washington, PhD, MSW – University of Georgia
    Co-Chair: Nicole Ruggiano, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Alabama
    Discussant: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tiffany R. Washington, PhD, MSW – University of Georgia
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nicole Ruggiano, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Alabama
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: George Mois, PhD – University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karla T. Washington, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ellen L. Brown, EdD, MS, RN, FAAN – Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Florida International University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    Minority and Diverse Populations (Papers) III
    Location: Room 103
    Paper Session Chair: Karen Bullock, PhD, FGSA, LICSW, APHSW-C – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    1 - Older LGBTQ+ People's Perspectives on Discrimination and Ageing in the UK: Emerging Findings From a Timeline Study
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Michael J. Thomas, PhD (he/him/his) – Brunel University London
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    1 - Virtual Respite for Family Caregivers
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Tiffany R. Washington, PhD, MSW – University of Georgia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    2 - Gender Differences in Cognitive Impairment of African American and Hispanic Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults
    Location: Room 105
    First Author: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    2 - The Potential of Crowdsourced Asset Mapping Technologies for Supporting Dementia Caregivers
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nicole Ruggiano, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Alabama
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    3 - Leveraging Video Technology to Deliver Social Engagement Opportunities for Care Partners of Persons With Dementia
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: George Mois, PhD – University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    3 - Understanding Healthcare Utilization, Frailty, and Delays among Older Sexual and Gender Minority Adults
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Chelsea N. Wong, MD (she/her/hers) – HebrewSenior Life
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    4 - ENVISION: A Digital Tool to Improve Symptom Management Among Older Adults With Advanced Cancer
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karla T. Washington, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    5 - Developing a Touchscreen Communication Device to Empower People With Dementia and Their Caregivers
    Location: Room 101
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ellen L. Brown, EdD, MS, RN, FAAN – Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Florida International University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    1 - A Culturally-Tailored Intervention Informed by Caregiver Voices
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Susanna M. Mage, MA, PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    2 - Examining Social and Cultural Factors Among East Asian Family Caregivers of Persons With Dementia
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Jessica L. Cassidy, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    3 - Implementation Science: A Strategy for Addressing Health Equity Among Racially Diverse Older Adults
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Karen Bullock, PhD, FGSA, LICSW, APHSW-C – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    4 - Older Medicare Beneficiaries With Kidney Failure From Puerto Rico Migrated After Hurricane Maria
    Location: Room 103
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Saturday, Nov 11th
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
    5 - Help-Seeking in a Foreign Country: Experiences of Older Latino Immigrants Navigating Assistance in America
    Location: Room 103
    First Author: Barbara Mendez Campos, MSW, LCSW – Boston College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Bridging the Practice-Research Divide: Building Successful Partnerships With State Government
    Location: Room 111
    Chair: Joan Davitt, PhD, MSS, MLSP (they/them/theirs) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Co-Chair: Sol Baik, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Virginia
    Discussant: Joan Davitt, PhD, MSS, MLSP (they/them/theirs) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie L. Graham, PhD, MGS (she/her/hers) – Center for Health Care Strategies
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, LALD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sol Baik, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Virginia
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan Davitt, PhD, MSS, MLSP (they/them/theirs) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Inclusion and Integration of Community Stakeholder Perspectives in Research: Insight From and for Gerontologists
    Location: Room 112
    Chair: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Discussant: Karen O. Moss, PhD, RN, CNL (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elinor R. Schoenfeld, PhD (she/her/hers) – Stony Brook University School of Medicine
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Natalie Douglas, PhD, CCC-SLP (she/her/hers) – Central Michigan University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Liza Behrens, PhD,RN (she/her/hers) – Pennsylvania State University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Terri Lewinson, MSW, PhD (she/her/hers) – Geisel School of Medicine/ Dartmouth College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Location: Room 309
    Paper Session Chair: Tove Harnett, PhD (she/her/hers) – Lund University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Providing Dementia Care Across Low-Resource Communities
    Location: Room 109
    Chair: Sarah D. Holmes, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland School of Nursing
    Discussant: Kirsten Corazzini, PhD, FGSA (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Allison Gibson, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kate Crary, BS (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alison C. Rataj, MSW, MS (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Technology (Papers)
    Location: Room 307
    Paper Session Chair: Jonathon Vivoda, PhD, MPH – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Women and Work at Mid Life and Beyond: Stumbling, Striving, Navigating Transitions
    Location: Room 114
    Chair: Julie Miller, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heather McCulloch, MSc (she/her/hers) – The Aspen Institute
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lona H. Choi-Allum, PhD (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Sauer, M.A. (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Age-Associated Challenges Among HIV Population in Vietnam: Perspectives from Multiple Stakeholders
    Location: Room 413
    First Author: Qing Xia, PhD (she/her/hers) – Michigan State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Building an Economy That Supports Working Women to Thrive
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Heather McCulloch, MSc (she/her/hers) – The Aspen Institute
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Multisector Plans for Aging: Research and State Government Partnerships to Transform Aging Services
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie L. Graham, PhD, MGS (she/her/hers) – Center for Health Care Strategies
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Supporting Persons Living Alone With Dementia: Findings From a Pilot Study
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Allison Gibson, PhD, MSW (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - The Promise and Challenges of Gerontologists Who Advance the Science of Community-Engaged Research
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Carrie Leach, PhD, MPA (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - A Framework of Support: The Nursing Home Person-Centered Options Counseling Certification Program
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Kate Crary, BS (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Bridging the Practice–Research Divide: Building Successful Partnerships With State Government
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, LALD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Older Women Entrepreneurs Are Driven by Want Rather Than Need
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Lona H. Choi-Allum, PhD (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Smart Aging: Engaging Older Adults to Guide Sensor Development to Support Aging in Place
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Elinor R. Schoenfeld, PhD (she/her/hers) – Stony Brook University School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Using Collective Impact to Assess Home and Community-based Services Worker Training and Credentialing
    Location: Room 413
    First Author: Sandi J. Lane, PhD, LNHA, FACHE – Appalachian State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Engaging Certified Nursing Assistants to Support Communication for People Living With Dementia in Nursing Homes
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Natalie Douglas, PhD, CCC-SLP (she/her/hers) – Central Michigan University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Improving Access to Demographic Data Resources for the Aging Network in Virginia
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Sol Baik, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Virginia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Stakeholder Perspectives on Quality Dementia Care in Low-Resource Long-Term Care Settings
    Location: Room 109
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Alison C. Rataj, MSW, MS (she/her/hers) – University of New Hampshire
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - The Economic Impact of Menopause: A Multimode Research Project
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Jennifer Sauer, M.A. (she/her/hers) – AARP
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Building the Research Practice Partnership to Promote Continuous Quality Improvement in Adult Protective Services
    Location: Room 111
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Joan Davitt, PhD, MSS, MLSP (they/them/theirs) – University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Engagement of Nursing Home Community Experts to Modify the DIGNITY Intervention
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Liza Behrens, PhD,RN (she/her/hers) – Pennsylvania State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Impact of the Teaching Nursing Home on Nursing Student’s Competencies and Willingness to Work in Long-Term Care
    Location: Room 419
    First Author: Howard B. Degenholtz, PhD, FGSA (he/him/his) – University of Pittsburgh
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - The predictive effect of different machine learning algorithms for pressure injuries: A network meta-analyses
    Location: Room 415
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Tobacco in Hotels: A Study of Nicotine Exposure and Resident Risk
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Terri Lewinson, MSW, PhD (she/her/hers) – Geisel School of Medicine/ Dartmouth College
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Use of Chronic Care Management Service Among Medicare Beneficiaries In 2015-2019
    Location: Room 415
    First Author: Jieun Jang, PhD (she/her/hers) – Hebrew Senior Life
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Age-Based Entitlement: An Ageist Practice or a Tool for Combatting Ageism?
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Tove Harnett, PhD (she/her/hers) – Lund University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    1 - Exploring the Role of Social Factors and Changes in Ride-Hail (Uber/Lyft) Use Among Older Adults
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Jonathon Vivoda, PhD, MPH – Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - Social Prescribing for the Arts: Lessons From Abroad for the Health Care of Older Americans
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Shayna Gleason, M.S. (she/her/hers) – University of Massachusetts, Boston Gerontology
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    2 - User Experiences of Older Adults Navigating an Online Database of Community-Based Physical Activity Programs
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Denise Connelly, PhD, PT – Western University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Bias and Generalizability in Medicare-Based Analyses Across Three Policy Periods
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Galina A. Gorbunova, M.B.A. (she/her/hers) – Duke University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    3 - Implementation of a Digital Cognitive Screening Program for Dementia in Primary Care
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Nicole R. Fowler, PhD, MHSA (she/her/hers) – Indiana University School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - Older Adults’ Understanding of Signals Communicated by Robot Companions for Caregiving
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Bertram F. Malle, PhD (he/him/his) – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    4 - The Spillover Effects of Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model: A Study From California
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Narae Kim, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Southern California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Effects of Implementing AgeTech to Support Dementia Care in a Rural and Northern Setting
    Location: Room 307
    First Author: Shannon Freeman, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Northern British Columbia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    5 - Interrogating Ageism
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Douglas W. Hanes, PhD (he/him/his) – Stony Brook University School of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    6 - Retiring to Poverty: Veterans’ Protests for Nonpayment of Pensions in Nigeria
    Location: Room 309
    First Author: Runcie C.W. Chidebe, Dip., BSc., MSc., (he/him/his) – Scripps Centre, Department of Sociology and Gerontology , Miami University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Assisted Living
    Location: Room 116
    Paper Session Chair: Carey Peerman, PhD – Radford University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Contextual Factors in Aging and Long-Term Services and Supports Research
    Location: Room 114
    Chair: Chanee D. Fabius, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Discussant: Katherine Ornstein, PhD – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Chanee D. Fabius, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Harriet Mather, MD, MSc (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Andrew D. Jopson, MPH (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins University
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karen Shen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Mary Louise Pomeroy, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Emancipatory Pedagogy in Gerontological Spaces
    Location: Room 112
    Chair: Brittney Pond, PhD(C) (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Francisco
    Co-Chair: Nicholas DiCarlo, LCSW (they/them/theirs) – UCSF / Hunter College / Routledge
    Discussant: Brittney Pond, PhD(C) (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Francisco
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nicholas DiCarlo, LCSW (they/them/theirs) – UCSF / Hunter College / Routledge
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian M. Johnson, LCSW, PhD (he/they) – University of Texas- San Antonio
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    Social Services: Policy, Financing, and Delivery Systems (Papers)
    Location: Room 303
    Paper Session Chair: Rodlescia Sneed, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Addressing unmet mental health needs of older adults in Turbo, Colombia: A pilot intervention
    Location: Room 415
    First Author: Clarissa Giebel, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Liverpool
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Crone Pedagogies: Emancipatory Praxis
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Nicholas DiCarlo, LCSW (they/them/theirs) – UCSF / Hunter College / Routledge
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - The Role of Person- and Family-Oriented Long-Term Services and Supports
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Chanee D. Fabius, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Association Between Neighborhood Deprivation and Place of Death: A Population Study
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Harriet Mather, MD, MSc (she/her/hers) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Bridging research and policy to expand supports to older adults living alone with cognitive impairment in the US
    Location: Room 413
    First Author: Elena Portacolone, PhD MBA MPH (she/her/hers) – University of California
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Teaching Abolitionist Gerontology in Interdisciplinary Learning Spaces
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ian M. Johnson, LCSW, PhD (he/they) – University of Texas- San Antonio
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Understanding the Relationship Between Air Quality and Five-Year Survival of Patients in the American Family Cohort
    Location: Room 417
    First Author: Divya Periyakoil, BA BS MPH – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Characteristics and Care Experiences of Older Dual-Enrollees Living in Areas With Medicaid Managed LTSS
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Andrew D. Jopson, MPH (he/him/his) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Improving Knowledge of LGBTQ+ Aging Through a Queering Gerontology Campaign
    Location: Room 112
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Austin Oswald, PhD (they/them/theirs) – University of Washington
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - The Growth of the Home Care Workforce From 2000 to 2019 and the Role of Public Financing
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Karen Shen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - The impact of 3 generations of violence on the mental health of Colombian older adults: comparative multi-site survey
    Location: Room 415
    First Author: Mark Gabbay, MD (he/him/his) – University of Liverpool
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - The Role of Leadership in Disaster Decision-Making in Assisted Living
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Lindsay J. Peterson, PhD – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Social Isolation, Unmet Needs, and Long-Term Services and Supports in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
    Location: Room 114
    Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Mary Louise Pomeroy, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - Development and Validation of the Minnesota AL Report Card for Resident Quality of Life Domains
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Taylor I. Bucy, MPH (she/her/hers) – University of Minnesota School of Public Health
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    1 - The Relationship Between Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Spending and Nursing Home Outcomes
    Location: Room 303
    First Author: Katherine A. Kennedy, MSG, PhD, LNHA (she/her/hers) – Providence VA Medical Center, Center for Innovation in Long-term Services and Supports
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Designing for Program Sustainability: An Evaluation of BC’s Provincial Better at Home Program
    Location: Room 303
    First Author: Camille J. Hannah, PMP (she/her/hers) – United Way British Columbia
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    2 - Social Workers’ and Nurses’ Views on Collaborative Work in a Setting With Skilled Nursing Care
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Tina R. Kilaberia, PhD (she/her/hers) – New York University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Age Matters in Financial Strain and Subjective Health and Well-Being for People With LTSS Needs in California
    Location: Room 303
    First Author: Lei Chen, PhD (she/her/hers) – UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Study
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    3 - Assisted Living Administrators' Perspectives of How COVID-19 Affected Direct Care Staff
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Carlyn E. Vogel, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of South Florida
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    4 - Association Between Provider Discontinuity and Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents
    Location: Room 303
    First Author: Hyunkyung Yun, MSc, MSW (she/her/hers) – Brown University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Leadership in Long-Term Care Leadership: The Nursing Home Administrator’s Journey During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Room 116
    First Author: Carey Peerman, PhD – Radford University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice
  • Sunday, Nov 12th
    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET
    5 - Lowering the Age for Medicare Eligibility: Who Benefits?
    Location: Room 303
    First Author: Rodlescia Sneed, PhD (she/her/hers) – Wayne State University
    Social Research, Policy, and Practice