Session Title: RISE: A Community-Based Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Response Intervention Addressing a Critical Systems Gap
2 - Effect of RISE on Repeat Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Investigations by Adult Protective Services
Friday, November 10, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
Location: Room 123
Author(s): Stuart Lewis, MD1; Andie MacNeil, MA, MSW2; M.T. Connolly, JD3; Erin Salvo, JD4; Patricia F. Kimball, MS, MS5; Geoff Rogers, BA6; David Burnes, PhD2 1Dartmouth College, 2University of Toronto, 3University of Southern California, 4Department of Health and Human Services, 5Elder Abuse Institute of Maine, 6City University of New York
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Stuart Lewis, MD
Associate Professor Dartmouth College Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States