Session Title: Bouncing Back After Surgery: Quantifying and Predicting Resilience in Older Surgical Patients
2 - Comparison of Clinical Biomarker and DNAm-derived Biological Age Measures in an Elective Surgery Cohort
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Location: Room 307
Author(s): Daniel C. Parker, MD1; Shelley McDonald, DO, PhD2; Kathryn N. Porter Starr, PhD, RD3; Dan Blazer, III, MD4; E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH4; Allan D. Kirk, MD, PhD4; Sandhya Lagoo-Deenadayalan, MD, PhD4 1Duke University School of Medicine, 2Geriatrics, 3Duke University School of Medicine , 4Surgery
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Daniel C. Parker, MD
Assistant Professor Duke University School of Medicine Durham, North Carolina, United States