Session Title: Expanding Insights into Late-Life Disability Using Objective Assessments in NHATS
5 - Muscle Strength and Incident Dementia in the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS)
Thursday, November 9, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET
Location: Room 103
Author(s): Amal A. Wanigatunga, PhD, MPH1; Yidan Lu, BS1; Francesca R. Marino, BS2; Anis Davoudi, PhD3; Ryan J. Dougherty, PhD3; Jennifer A. Schrack, PhD, FGSA3 1Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 3Johns Hopkins University
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Amal A. Wanigatunga, PhD, MPH (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Baltimore, Maryland, United States