Session Title: In the Present and in the Future: How Time Perception and Time Orientation Shape Well-Being Across Adult Life
4 - Age-Related Differences in Daily Experiences of Happiness: The Role of Thinking About the Future
Saturday, November 11, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM ET
Location: Room 120
Author(s): Yoonseok Choi, MA1; Jennifer C. Lay, PhD2; Minjie Lu, PhD3; Da Jiang, PhD4; Helene H. Fung, PhD5; Peter Graf, PhD1; Christiane Hoppmann, PhD1 1University of British Columbia, 2University of Exeter, 3Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, 4Education University of Hong Kong, 5The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Yoonseok Choi, MA (he/him/his)
Graduate Student University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada